I was thinking about camouflaging my hair; what kind of wig did I want. A lot of women have wigs to change up as an adventure.
I was thinking about camouflaging my hair; what kind of wig did I want. A lot of women have wigs to change up as an adventure.
I started noticing my hair loss a few years ago, around the front of my hair, there were these baby hairs that were breaking off. I wasn't really sure at the time what was causing...
I started noticing my hair loss a few years ago, around the front of my hair, there were these baby hairs that were breaking off. I wasn't really sure at the time what was causing my hair loss, I didn't know if it was hormone-related or just breakage from the hair color that I was using, but I just noticed that I needed to do something about hair loss.
I think my hair represents to me as a woman, just feeling beautiful and confident at all times. The better we look, the better we feel. So when I started noticing some hair loss in the front, I immediately wanted to correct that.
I felt very disappointed that the products I was trying weren't working, I mean, when you try something and it's expensive, you kind of have an expectation that it's going to work, so... I was definitely disappointed that it didn't. I started using Theradome every day, once I saw the results from using it just a few times a week, I felt like the more I used it, the better results I would have.
I noticed that more hair was coming in on the front, where I had short, little baby hairs that weren't ever growing, so I noticed that my hair was getting more full in the areas that were sort of empty. I would recommend Theradome to anyone that's experiencing hair loss, don't be discouraged after trying other things that haven't worked, And don't lose hope.
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In my late 40s, that's when I really noticed how awful my hair was, it was thin, it wasn't growing long. I thrive in being healthy, but yet when my hair is thin, it made...
In my late 40s, that's when I really noticed how awful my hair was, it was thin, it wasn't growing long. I thrive in being healthy, but yet when my hair is thin, it made me feel like I was doing something wrong, like my body was weak, and I didn't... It made me feel old as well, I kept thinking, If this is on the path now I'm gonna be bald soon, and so I felt a little bit- I felt sad by it. As a woman, it seems like society projects this luscious, thick, long healthy hair. I believed it, I felt like if my hair can get longer and thicker, you know, I would feel more zesty, and so that's why having it, when I was getting thinner and just coming out so much, It made me feel hopeless like, that's it, I'm getting older, it's only gonna get worse. The Theradome changed my hair in a few ways, but the best way was the thickness.I did not even expect it to make my hair feel thicker, it was a slow transition at first, and then all of a sudden I realized when I looked in the mirror... “Look at how long my hair is!”... I couldn't believe it. It was long, and then I think after that time, that's when things really progressed fast, that's when I started to notice that my... Again, my hair barettes, they weren't fitting, I actually had to buy a larger size hair barettes. That was something that really made me take notice. That made me really happy inside actually. My advice to someone who is experiencing hair loss, try Theradome, it worked so well for me and I really have faith it’ll work for you too.
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I think like 23, 24, the widow's peak started getting larger and larger as I continue to just cut my hair and that really started worrying me, it was kind of like an inevitable thing,...
I think like 23, 24, the widow's peak started getting larger and larger as I continue to just cut my hair and that really started worrying me, it was kind of like an inevitable thing, I did not want it to happen, but I knew that I kinda just... One of those things that you can't really stop or there's not really any true way of fixing it. I'd like to preserve at least a piece of my youth as long as I can... I honestly did not try anything else to stop or hide my hair loss, all I did was started to, I guess, do more of a comb over or just let my hair grow out a lot more, those are the only options I felt I had at that point.My favorite feature about the Theradome, honestly, is just the fact that it's helping me with my confidence level, I feel, because I've noticed that my hair's gotten fuller, I've seen less hair in the tub after a shower. My confidence is just sky-rocketed, there's no liquid, there's no wires, there's no foams that you need to rub into your scalp, you literally just put it on 20 minutes and you're done... I've just seen the photos, I kinda felt like uh, this thing is actually working for me, so I'm gonna just keep using it and see... Or see where I go from there. Maybe something won't work for you, but another thing... Well, that's what I ended up coming to the conclusion of myself, those first two things that I tried did not work for me, but THERADOME did.
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I think my biggest fear about losing my hair is that I'll lose a part of me and a part of who I am, 'cause I've always been someone who's had crazy, curly hair or...
I think my biggest fear about losing my hair is that I'll lose a part of me and a part of who I am, 'cause I've always been someone who's had crazy, curly hair or just a big hair. It's always been a part of my identity. So I fear that if I'm losing my hair, then I'm gonna lose a big part of me.All of the uncles on my mother's side are all bald and started losing their hair around their 40s, and then my dad started losing the hair on the crown of his head, when he was in his 30s and my grandpa lost his hair, so it's on both sides, I was just hoping that maybe it would skip me. My first impressions of the helmet where I was like, oh, this is interesting. It looked cool, and then when I put it on, I was like, oh, I don't really feel it, so I didn't know if it was actually working or not, a few times you could start to feel the heat that it gives off, so you know that it's actually working and actually doing something to your head into your scalp.I fit Theradome, into my routine by making it a part of my nighttime routine, super easy, just to do every night without giving it a second thought Theradome has made my hair a lot healthier. It feels thicker, it looks like it's growing in a lot thicker, and it just... It feels healthy. It feels a lot healthier than it used to. I was joyful when I first saw the results, my photos, because my hair line is growing back a lot thicker and it looks a lot healthier my before pictures, my hair looked a little oily and dry, and now my hair looks a lot fuller, it looks healthy, and it looks like it's coming in a lot better, I feel great after using Theradome, it's been the only thing that I've used so far that's actually yielded some results. It's something that I can actually be proud of and something that I could actually tell people. It's actually... It works. It actually works.
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I first started noticing my hair loss after the birth of my daughter, I just noticed that my hair was becoming a lot thinner and more hair coming off in my brush... Oh, I was...
I first started noticing my hair loss after the birth of my daughter, I just noticed that my hair was becoming a lot thinner and more hair coming off in my brush... Oh, I was devastated. I think as a woman we’re very attached to how we look and how our value is in the world, and my hair loss made me feel pretty... pretty sad. My hair care routine changed markedly after I noticed that I was losing my hair, that was when I started using extensions and hair pieces- also, that's when I added Rogaine in and started using a thinning hair line. I had heard of laser hair therapy before, but I'd heard of it for removal, I had never heard of it for hair growth. My expectations for Theradome was very low. I didn't expect it to work. And so when it did, I was beyond thrilled. I usually use Theradome after I take a shower when I don't have any hair products in, and I do my makeup when I use it. So I'm usually finished with the hair treatment and my make-up at the same time.My results using Theradome today, I just... I'm so happy. My hair is a lot thicker, I don't need to use extensions as often, and I feel a lot more growth, like on my scalp, I can't wait until it comes down here. I would recommend Theradome to anybody that's experiencing any kind of hair loss, and I also just wanna say thank you to Theradome for making this technology possible, and it's totally worth it.
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I don't know if I know exactly the point which I realized I had lost my hair, I think it was more that I started seeing pictures of myself, and I thought that the part...
I don't know if I know exactly the point which I realized I had lost my hair, I think it was more that I started seeing pictures of myself, and I thought that the part that I had in my hair seemed to be showing more and more of the forehead, and of course, I noticed there was more hair in the bottom of the tub too. For me, the point of thinning hair is just not a case of age, I think more importantly, I like to represent... onn the outside, how I feel on the inside, so I don't necessarily feel older, and I think the best thing I could do is to represent that on the outside, so I started looking for opportunities on how I can improve the way my hair looks and possibly regrow the areas where it was thinning. So I really was looking for something that was natural, that was easy to use and would be sustained. Before I tried to use the Theradome, I tried a few things like combing my hair differently and trying to figure out different hair products that would help, but ultimately is pretty clear, I needed to find a solution to help regrow the hair where possible, and I came across the idea for Theradome. It seemed pretty obvious to me, this was something that was new to the market, but also took advantage of some new technology, and within about 60 days, I definitely noticed a couple of things: First, there was almost no hair in the bottom of the shower after I shampooed, and second, my wife actually noticed my hair seem thicker and fuller. I knew it was gonna make my hair look thicker and fuller and make the hair I had more healthy, but now I'm actually starting to see a small amount of hair growth I never have... And to me, that's really exciting too. A couple of my friends were asking me about why my hair looks so good, and I pulled a few aside and mentioned Theradome to them. It's definitely something I'd recommend to anybody who's looking to improve the quality of their hair and help with hair loss and thinning.
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I first started to see my hair loss when I transitioned to letting my natural silver hair grow in because my hair was lighter against my light scalp, and I started seeing a wider part...
I first started to see my hair loss when I transitioned to letting my natural silver hair grow in because my hair was lighter against my light scalp, and I started seeing a wider part and bald spots, and my hair was falling out. And it kind of freaked me out. I just was very concerned with how to combat this, my expectations for Theradome were skeptical at first. I didn't know if it would really work, would it actually work for me, and I am so pleasantly surprised.I would say probably about three months in, I started noticing a difference that my hair was fuller, even my hair stylist noticed, which I thought was amazing, I go there every six to eight weeks to get a trim, and she said, You know, your hair is coming in thicker, and she said that she can see the shorter pieces that have grown in...I feel great after Theradome.I Feel more confident. I feel great that my hair is growing in... My advice to you, if you're losing your hair is to try Theradome because you will notice right away your hair will not be falling out and your hair will grow in thicker.
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I think I was about 19, 20 years old when I first noticed my hair started to disappear, I wasn't really surprised, I've been knowing I was probably losing my hair since I was about...
I think I was about 19, 20 years old when I first noticed my hair started to disappear, I wasn't really surprised, I've been knowing I was probably losing my hair since I was about 15, I noticed all the men in my family didn't have hair anymore, so I just told myself I was a 25-er as I would call it. Although I tried to mentally prepare, I was still disappointed. I was hoping I didn't lose my hair. And, It didn't work out like that. Definitely a lot of my family members noticed they pointed out to me like, “Okay, it's becoming that time, you're really a Johnson, you're losing your hair.” So everybody would say something...A lot of the men in my family, if not all of them, don't have any hair anymore. When I first heard about the laser technology in Theradome, I was a little skeptical, especially because I've been losing my hair for years, at this point. I was worried that it wasn't gonna work, and then I would just lose my hair like I expected to.I would do it early in the morning, either before I go to work, or sometimes even on my way to work, it's a 20-minute session and my drive to work is about 25 minutes so it fits perfect, or sometimes if I'm at home watching TV. After seeing after 120 days, it really surprised me, I was really impressed. And then when I see the actual picture that someone else took... It was a surprise, for sure. My results are pretty good today, I'm still surprised, even though I knew they would be better than last time, I'm still surprised, and the next time I look at it, I'm probably gonna still be surprised.I would definitely recommend Theradome to anyone suffering with hair loss, it'll help your hair grow back, it’ll boost your confidence.
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I started noticing that when I looked at the photos that my hair was out of proportion to what it should be in some of these photos, and I got really concerned about it, and...
I started noticing that when I looked at the photos that my hair was out of proportion to what it should be in some of these photos, and I got really concerned about it, and I started doing research on what I needed to do in order to try to either correct the problem or make it better. I started talking to hair clubs and all of those different kind of consultants, trying to find out what it would cost in order to get my hair back, I wanted to find anything possible to make sure that my hair will continue to grow, and I thought I could. Like every other person, I started trying all kinds of products, I tried products off the shelf, I tried reading journals to see what I can do, and then I came across the Theradome.I'll tell you, I feel like I should have did this a long time ago. I should have did it when I realized that there were some genetic issues in my background that would allow my hair to come out, and I wanna tell you it's the best thing that I've ever... That I've ever experienced. It is nice to see a product work. It was a joke when I first got it, but I look at it, I like being a bicycle helmet, and to me, it's no real difference, the quality of it, the way it feels...you don't even notice it. I can do whatever I need to do in the morning, and when I'm preparing to get ready for work, I wanted something natural. And Theradome provided me that opportunity to be able to get my hair back as thick as it used to be, and I am excited about it.
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I first started noticing hair loss about two or three years ago when I was engaged to my wife, and she says... She said to me, she said, “Babe, you know your hair is getting...
I first started noticing hair loss about two or three years ago when I was engaged to my wife, and she says... She said to me, she said, “Babe, you know your hair is getting bald in the top of your head.” I'm like, “What do you mean? I got great hair. So, I don't know what you're talking about”. I felt kind of bad because there was no family history of hair loss, and then finally to see it in my head, I was very confused, I didn't know what was going on with it. I thought I could grow hair forever. I heard of laser therapy before, but I always thought it was just for people with extreme conditions that couldn't grow hair at all.My initial thoughts when I first heard about Theradome, is that let me give it a try, because I... Not that I'm in vain or anything like that. I just wanted to, you know, I wanted my hair to continue to grow and I knew that it may get worse as I got older.I used Theradome about four times a day, normally in the morning before I go to the gym, when I'm riding from one end of the 405 to the other, and by the time I get there, it's pretty much done and I can go ahead and enjoy my work out. Actually, there's several people at my gym who I know that I'm gonna go to and tell about the powerful use of Theradome. I've seen a lot of results. My hair is growing back. My wife can run a hand through my hand without feeling my scalp.And this has been a great experience, I'm really meeting the challenges of having hair grow and my hair coming back to life again. I'm really happy with it.
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When it comes to hair loss, I never actually thought I was going to experience it. When you’re younger, you tend to have that attitude, but I would say around mid-20s, I saw a picture...
When it comes to hair loss, I never actually thought I was going to experience it. When you’re younger, you tend to have that attitude, but I would say around mid-20s, I saw a picture of myself and there happened to be a bald spot on my head, and it started to grow on me and was really beginning to dig its nails into me and I knew I needed to do something about it. You see other people have it happen to them, but when it comes to yourself...that couldn't possibly happen to me. I think that's the attitude that we generally develop anyway when it comes to things like that, but I was devastated. When I first used the Theradome, I was a little apprehensive to say the least, because a lot of people are trying to sell products on the market and a lot of times you have people saying, “I used to be this heavy, but now look at me”, and really they're just pushing in their gut, but when I started seeing the results on the screens over time, I recognized that this stuff truly does work, Theradome, truly does work. When I first started seeing the results, it was probably around the 60-day mark, it looked like it was getting thicker, fuller as opposed to...as thin as it used to be, I would say give it a shot, you know, no harm done in that. And when you start to see the results for yourself and you're going to want a Theradome for yourself.
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About two years ago, I started noticing that my hair was thinning and then I realized it lost a lot of my hair, and I was seeing a lot more scalp than I wanted to....
About two years ago, I started noticing that my hair was thinning and then I realized it lost a lot of my hair, and I was seeing a lot more scalp than I wanted to. One day, a good friend of mine came over and quietly asked me if I was starting to lose my hair, and almost cried, it was really embarrassing. My hair care routine changed a lot when I started losing my hair, I started doing comb overs and using root touch-up spray to cover the bald spots, it was awful.When I started using Theradome, my hope was that my hair loss would stop and ultimately that my hair would grow back, and that's been the case. I use Theradome consistently in the evenings when I'm watching TV, or preparing dinner, and 20 minutes I'm done and I just go about the rest of my evening. When I first saw the first hairs growing back, I was delighted and my self-esteem really picked up. Theradome is easy to use, very user-friendly, it's 20 minutes... Just in the evenings when I'm watching TV, or making dinner, 20 minutes and I'm done. I'm really glad that I've used Theradome to help regrow my hair and stop the hair loss, and I'm very glad that I use the product. Before I started using Theradome I was very depressed about my hair loss, I wasn't feeling attractive anymore, and I worked with the public all the time, it was really hard to face people, and I started using Theradome, and within about six weeks I saw the new hair growth and the hair loss had stopped, and it's continued since then, and my self-esteem is back and I'm starting to feel attractive again.
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I started noticing my hair loss about age 25 when I started working at higher stress jobs, nobody wants that to be their main concern at my age, I shouldn't even have to worry about...
I started noticing my hair loss about age 25 when I started working at higher stress jobs, nobody wants that to be their main concern at my age, I shouldn't even have to worry about that, but unfortunately some of us do. Anything- droplets, everything, I have tried it and it works temporarily, but then at the end of the day, if you stop using it, your hair just falls out. I mean...we’re in 2019. Technology is growing. People are growing, things are changing. We can try other ways, other alternatives than just surgery.I use my Theradome as often as humanly possible. I have a crazy schedule so like I do it when I'm watching TV, cooking, organizing my kit, it's really easy, you just press the button, you're good to go, and your golden... Theradome has given me a ability to be versatile with my hair 'cause it helps keep the integrity of my hair so it doesn't break as easily, it doesn't fall out as easily, it's shiny, it's healthy. Not only has it given me the length that I'm obsessed with, and the shine that I'm obsessed with, that it's also given me the density that I look forward to having, hopefully, until I'm 80 years old. If I'm 80 and start losing my hair, I'm fine, but until then, I wanna have every single little hair on my head that I can...
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How I first started noticing my hair loss is that I started just taking birth control pills and just basically throughout the year they kind of had some negative results. It’s so obvious, I got...
How I first started noticing my hair loss is that I started just taking birth control pills and just basically throughout the year they kind of had some negative results. It’s so obvious, I got the low self-esteem going on. People are like, “Why is your hair thinning? ” - Ohhh I hated that comment. What my hair represents for me is just femininity, you know, healthiness, hotness.I mean, nobody wants to see some chick with like a Friar Tuck bald spot on her head. Basically, along came this, Theradome you know, I was skeptical at first, I admit, and I tried it, you know? And guess what, folks? It works. Truth is, I really did not have any expectations. This was just like something for me to try, you know? I mean, I just say, okay, you know, you got this new hit product out on the market and it’s making like this and this claim, you know, it's just like, why not try it and see what happens?I have used a Theradome, depending on my day, once or twice a day. You know, everybody needs their “me time”, you know, what’s more than the best “me time” than just growing your hair back? I noticed over time that bald spots on my head just started filling in. As to how I felt like seeing the photos from my first-time results. I mean, I was impressed. I was like, “Wow”, you know, this this really works. There's always something out there. I mean, hair loss technology is changing, like all the time. And, you know, this Theradome is real, it’s the real deal guys. You know, that’s all I’ll say.
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I started to notice my hair loss in my early 30s, I remember the exact day. I was going out with my friend to a club, and he looked at me and he said, “Hey,...
I started to notice my hair loss in my early 30s, I remember the exact day. I was going out with my friend to a club, and he looked at me and he said, “Hey, you got a little bald spot on your head”, and I said, “Yeah. Right”, and I thought he was joking, and I did not accept the fact that it was just male pattern baldness. I was just a normal thing that happens when you start to get older, and just because your family has a full head of hair doesn't mean that you're going to have a beautiful full head of hair.I think my friends and family that kind of poked fun at it were doing it in my best interest because they know that it bothers me, so they were really trying to say “hey you should try do something about this if you can and there are some things that might be able to help you.” I use Theradome every day, I take a shower, I towel-dry my hair, and then I put my little helmet on and push the button and start my 20 minutes, make myself a cup of coffee, I'll go sit down and check my morning emails, and by the time I'm done with that, it's like, “your treatment is completed” and I take it off and put it back on the charger. I notice literally within 30 to 40 days that something was different about the texture of my hair and also the top of my head, I felt... I didn't wanna believe it, but I felt like my hair was actually starting to grow back. I took a before picture at the start, and I took another picture at 90 days, so I did my own before and after pictures, and I looked at them and I was astonished at the difference between 0-90 days. And so that's when I kinda knew that it was definitely work.
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Initially, the way I felt when I realized I was losing my hair is, “WHAT! How is this possible?” I didn't think I would ever lose my hair, I just know you think father time...
Initially, the way I felt when I realized I was losing my hair is, “WHAT! How is this possible?” I didn't think I would ever lose my hair, I just know you think father time has just knocked on your door, I thought of my age right away, and then I was thinking, did I ever think I was gonna be losing my hair.I didn't want to look in the mirror anymore, before I avoided the mirror to brush my teeth, I would just do my thing, gargle, blah blah, I looked for one second and just put the hat on, I didn't wanna own up to... I didn't wanna face what has happened to me. I heard about Theradome, and the thing about Theradome, it's the technology that I truly believe in. It just made sense to me. It clicked with me, I was hesitant, excited, nervous, but was still kind of on the fence about, is it gonna really work for me or not? After my first session, I said, “harmless, easy-peasy…and, when is my next one?” I started seeing results, probably the... Boy, I'd say into the second month, results as in seeing results as in looking in the mirror and saying, “Hey, wait a minute, there's a little bit of thickness there, and my hair is a little less brittle”. It has built my confidence where I was almost ashamed, I was balding.Now it's almost like it was a, “Hey, your hair is coming back, just kind of own it and show it off” Theradome works. This process works. This therapy works. It's been a wonderful friend. For me- Theradome, it's helped me tremendously.
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I think hair loss does run in my family because my father on his side, his, the women, as they got older, they had less and less hair.I started noticing my hair loss about 10...
I think hair loss does run in my family because my father on his side, his, the women, as they got older, they had less and less hair.I started noticing my hair loss about 10 years ago when I first retired, and then I started going through menopause, and it just seemed like my hair was just falling out, just more and more, and it was just so stressful. And I just didn't know what to do about it, but I think you don't feel as beautiful when you don't have any hair at all, or very little hair. I'm willing to try any treatment as long as it's safe, I just wanna hold on to the hair that I have... I don't wanna lose any more hair. At first I was skeptical, I didn't think much will happen with it. But now that I see that it's working, I am really, really thrilled. And I plan to continue using it. My favorite feature of the Theradome is that it's so easy to just put it on your head, turn it on and continue doing whatever you were doing. I like to sit in the morning and read my book for my book club, and I just sit there for 20 minutes, read my book and before I know it, time’s up and I can get up and start breakfast and go about my day.I couldn't believe how much hair had grown around the edges... I mean, I look in the mirror every day and I see a little bit of growth. But when I looked at those pictures, I could just see where all the bald spots around the sides had filled in, it really looked terrific. Try the THERADOME you know, it very well may be the secret you're looking for, because it definitely worked for me in growing back my edges and helping my hair to fill in. So, yes, I would recommend it to anyone who is experiencing hair loss.
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I noticed my hair loss about three years ago, maybe a little bit longer, I'm not quite positive, and I thought it was maybe like a hormonal change going on in me, but nothing seemed...
I noticed my hair loss about three years ago, maybe a little bit longer, I'm not quite positive, and I thought it was maybe like a hormonal change going on in me, but nothing seemed to help it. I was very self-conscious when I started losing my hair. I use powder, I used Rogaine, I wanted to hide it. I felt very insecure about it.I think my biggest fear with losing my hair was that it was all gonna be gone and I would have to end up wearing a wig for the rest of my life.I think hair for women, at least for me, represents who I am how I can be that day, whether I wanna just be relaxed and easy, put it up in a bun at home, or do I wanna glam it up and curl it and put, you know some shimmer in it, so I think you're really... Unfortunately, but really helps define who you are as a woman, I don't believe I've heard of laser therapy before I heard of Theradome.I was skeptical to be honest about the technology... Would it work? Is this just another gimmick out there... My favorite features of Theradome was that I could actually do it anywhere, driving my kids to school, they would call me a storm trooper because I would use it in the car because it was a 22-minute ride there and back, my advice to someone who's experiencing hair loss, is one, don't wait but two, use Theradome... It's not another gimmick out there, it works.
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I noticed in my late 20s that there was a little bit of loss. Of course, my 30s and 40s, it just gradually—I noticed some, I guess, maybe small little patches and whatnot. Some friends...
I noticed in my late 20s that there was a little bit of loss. Of course, my 30s and 40s, it just gradually—I noticed some, I guess, maybe small little patches and whatnot. Some friends of mine would joke around saying that I should just get the razor and “Bic” my head and just call it a day. These guys have full heads of hair, so you can't really say anything back to them, but I guess I would take it a little bit personal. I tried Rogaine back, it was years ago, and I would just put, squirt this stuff in my hair for... I don't know how long I used it, but I was very skeptical of that as well, and I didn't see any change, so I figured I was wasting my money. From day one, when I took Theradome home, I tried it for the first time. I put the helmet on, I try it twice a week, 20 minutes each session, and I stuck with it for the 120 days, and I just kept putting it on just... having confidence that it will work. It's pretty impressive from the short time that I've been using the product, it's very impressive, in fact, the girl that cuts my hair, noticed some sprouts in the back, and she said it was a lot fuller upfront that she noticed, so that was... that's proof right there that this product works. I mean, I see significant growth, 120 days in. When it's 240 days in, I don't know what to expect, I'm very excited to see what is going to be there because it's a product that works. Theradome has changed my life, and it will change yours.
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I've worked in front of the camera my whole life. I got discovered when at 25 years old by Elite in New York City, and in the 1980 I did, the swimwear campaign for the...
I've worked in front of the camera my whole life. I got discovered when at 25 years old by Elite in New York City, and in the 1980 I did, the swimwear campaign for the Moscow Olympics, “Shams man makes your fantasy real”. I’ve been on the cover of countless magazines and you kinda wanna keep that youthful exuberance. I don't know that many people notice it 'cause I'm 6 foot 4. You've got to be pretty tall to notice that, but hair and makeup would notice it. More and more they would be using a spray on my scalp, so that the overhead lights would bounce off my thinning hair. What my hair represents to me is virility, um strength, I have a passion for life, and I to tell you the truth, I would really like to have a convertible and be able to not have to wear a baseball cap to have my air blowing in the breeze again, like when I was 20 years old. I just don't think I'd look good bald. So I was looking for another avenue to restore the hair, whether it was the implant thing or something like this laser stimulation, which is the Theradome lasers have just started, amazing amount of growth up on top of my head. I sit there when I’m watching a TV show, put it on for 20 minutes and it's done. My scalp is warm when I'm done, I'm relaxed, and the results speak for themselves. My hair is a lot thicker, darker, noticed the natural brown coming back, I was getting gray up there for a while. And then if you look at the before and after pictures, I, which I've taken, the dome of my head was damn near bald, and now there's a lot of hair growing up there, I would recommend Theradome to anyone who's losing their hair. It is a very inexpensive way to regrow your hair. It worked for me, and I'm pretty sure if it will work for you, it's a very serious technology, and I think you should take advantage of it.
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Once you start losing your hair, people look at you more or less like you're aging and you're over the hump and you've lost that little spark or zest in life. I wanted to keep...
Once you start losing your hair, people look at you more or less like you're aging and you're over the hump and you've lost that little spark or zest in life. I wanted to keep that, and I enjoy an active lifestyle, so keeping a head of hair is real important to me. How I felt about losing my hair was rather bleak. I didn't want to go bald. I remember seeing my dad in his fifties. He was losing quite a bit of hair and I wanted to try a product that would really work. My initial thoughts of using Theradome with the helmet and the technology were skeptical. You know, I read up on it and I wasn't really sure.But after completing that 180 days, I'm sold on it. It really works. Fitting Theradome into my routine is pretty simple. Every morning when I get up, if I check my email, I have my helmet next to my computer. I just plop it on my head and before you know it, the 20 minutes - it's done. My favorite features of the Theradome is it's convenient, It's handy if I need to know how much time is left, there's a button on the back. I can press it and the helmet will actually talk to you and tell you how many minutes are left in your treatment. After seeing photos of my Theradome treatment after 180 days, I'm really excited about it. I have hair where I did not have hair before - my “before” pictures compared to the “after” picture show great amount of hair growth. Not only in the top of my head, but on the sides and the back of my head. My personal advice to someone who is experiencing hair loss would be get on the program of Theradome right away. It's simple. It's easy to use and you have great results.
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When I started losing my hair, I felt very embarrassed. I was wearing a lot of hats, a lot of caps, and I wore bandans and different things to cover the hair, patches that I...
When I started losing my hair, I felt very embarrassed. I was wearing a lot of hats, a lot of caps, and I wore bandans and different things to cover the hair, patches that I was seeing in my hair, and it just... It didn't feel very good, especially for a guy, you're confident and you wanna feel good about yourself and losing your hair, it's just something I just wasn't prepared to experience, it just brought my self-esteem down a lot lower, so when I lose control over something like my hair, it just, it makes me feel weak, it makes me feel vulnerable, it makes me feel that I'm losing my strength as a man, power, and that's not what I wanna experience, I wanna have control of my own destiny and in my own hair.My initial thoughts about the Theradome was 50-50. I said, Well, listen, I'm willing to give it a shot. It might work or might not work. But since some are losing my hair, I might as well just give it a shot, I try to fit the Theradome into my schedule by using the product before I go to sleep, I.Like to shower to have my hair nice and clean, I dry my hair and I use a product. So 20 minute before I go to sleep, I put it on, then I go to bed, after using the Theradome, I feel very confident. I'm getting my confidence back. I'm seeing more hair, I'm seeing better results, and I'm excited to keep using the product, hopefully for a lifetime so that I don't have to be an old man and be losing my hair, I wanna have a nice full set of hair where people can complement me and when people do complement me, I say, Well, I'm using this product called The Theradome, and they Google it, they inquire about it, and they're like, Hey, I want to... I wanna try this product. How do I get it?
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After my pregnancy, I understood that there was gonna be some hair loss, so I said, “Okay, I accepted that, that that's just a normal part of having a baby”, but I noticed that within...
After my pregnancy, I understood that there was gonna be some hair loss, so I said, “Okay, I accepted that, that that's just a normal part of having a baby”, but I noticed that within a year or two afterwards, I noticed that my hair started falling out. Besides just kind of being a little sad and just shocked that I was losing hair, it was almost like, “Okay, what was wrong?” I was trying to find out what was the root of the problem. So it caused me a little bit of an anxiety because I was trying to... Trying to figure out what was wrong with me, it made me more closer to my number age than what I really felt inside, I use Theradome every day. Sometimes I use it twice a day. I like to do it first thing in the morning when I get up. And sometimes I put it on at night as well, and just before I go to bed, once I'm done with everything, put it on, that's my relax time and I just put it on my head, do my night time routine, and then I'm done. Theradome has changed my hair drastically, I've noticed that I've got more hair, it feels thicker, and I've noticed that I've got a lot more new hair growth, which is exactly what I wanted because I felt like my hair was falling out and it was just not getting...replenished, it was falling out and getting kind of sparse. And I've noticed that I've got a lot of new hair growth popping up here and there, and that was just really super exciting. I love it. I know then that it's working... My friends and family have noticed that I do have more hair and my hair looks thicker and healthier, and it looks great.
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I noticed my hair loss about 10 years ago, after I would shower, I would see my hair lying at the bottom of the tub, my hair had always been my signature, so when I...
I noticed my hair loss about 10 years ago, after I would shower, I would see my hair lying at the bottom of the tub, my hair had always been my signature, so when I started losing my hair, I became depressed as it was a sign of aging and I wasn't ready to concede my signature hair. My expectations were that my hair would become thicker and that I would regrow new hair, and that I would retain the hair that I already had. I was excited because it was a product that it seemed simple to use and it treated the whole head not just one area. I started seeing results about a month after using the product, I was not seeing the hair lying at the bottom of the tub... I've had amazing results in 180 days. I have new hair growth in some areas of my head, and I've retained my hair and my hair is thicker. I feel great. Again, I'm less depressed because I'm starting to see the results. And it's a product that I'm gonna continue to use. I recommend it to anyone who has hair loss and has anxiety about losing hair loss, because this product will help you re-grow your hair.Theradome definitely works. I would highly recommend it to anyone. It's worked for me, I've had amazing results. And so can you.
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