can you feel your hair growing on your scalp
By Tamim Hamid Last Updated on 10/17/2024

Can You Feel Your Hair Growing on Scalp?: 8 Signs to Look For

Have you ever wondered if you can feel your hair growing? It's a common question that many people think about. While hair growth is a natural process, the sensation of hair growing from the scalp is not something we typically perceive. The process of new hair growth occurs beneath the skin's surface inside the hair follicle, which does not contain nerves, and there is no sensation as the hair lengthens. Hair growth happens slowly over days and weeks inside your skin, where you can't feel anything. Therefore, you cannot feel your hair growing. However, there are signs around your scalp or changes in thickness that provide hints.

In this blog post, we will explore eight key signs of new hair growth on your scalp. These signs include changes in texture, increased hair length over time, the appearance of baby hairs along the hairline, a decrease in hair shedding, and even experiencing an itchy scalp. By understanding these hints, you can better understand the progression of your hair growth.

8 Signs of New Hair Growth on Scalp

It's not possible to sense your hair growing; however, you can tell new hairs are growing when you see changes like baby hairs on the scalp. Look around your head to spot them. Before getting full strands, tiny peach-fuzz hair, known as vellus hair, first grows out. Keep an eye out for these 8 signs of new hair growth on the scalp:

1. Changes in Texture

One of the signs you need to look out for is changes in hair texture. Even though you can't feel the new hair growth, you can look for the changes in texture to find out. As your hair starts to grow, you may notice it becoming softer, smoother, or even slightly different in color or thickness compared to the rest of your hair. These changes in texture indicate that your hair is rejuvenating and undergoing a healthy transformation. So, if you observe your hair feeling different than before, it's a positive sign that new hair is growing.

2. Baby Hairs Along the Hairline

"Baby hair" is a term used to describe the fine, wispy strands of hair that resemble the soft and delicate hair typically found in infants. When new hair begins to emerge, the first visible sign is often soft, fine baby hairs around the temples and edges of the hairline. This type of hair is called vellus hair and will grow into terminal hair (i.e. thicker, grown hair). As the hairs get a little longer and darker, baby hairs along the hairline become easier to spot. New growth usually starts gradually around the perimeter before filling in more. Seeing those barely-there short baby hair follicles sprouting up is one of the first signs that hair is regrowing. It means new follicles are forming and beginning to be productive. Baby hairs indicate that thinning edges are starting to fill back in with new growth. It’s an early positive sign to look for. 

3. Increased Hair Length

As your hair begins to grow, you may notice that it gradually becomes longer over time. This means that new hair is growing from the roots and adding to the overall length of your hair- this is called terminal hair. Pay attention to the changes in length and track the progress of your hair growth process. Seeing your hair getting longer is a positive and encouraging sign that new strands are growing and your hair is on its way to achieving the desired length.

4. Dark Spots Around Hair Follicles

While it's not possible to physically feel new hair growth, you might notice some dark spots around the hair follicles on your scalp as new growth begins. These dark spots, also known as pigmentation, can appear as small dots or specks surrounding the base of your hair. They indicate that new hair is starting to grow from the follicles. The pigmentation is a result of melanin production, which gives color to the hair and creates these dark spots. So, if you notice these dark spots around your hair follicles, it's a positive indicator that new hair is emerging.

5. Itchy Scalp

When your hair is starting to grow, you may experience occasional itching on your scalp. This itchiness is often a result of increased blood circulation to the hair follicles, which stimulates hair growth. While it may feel slightly uncomfortable, the itching indicates that new hair is on its way. So, if you find yourself occasionally scratching your scalp, it could be a sign that your new hair is actively growing and going through the natural regrowth cycle.

6. Reduced Hair Shedding

As active hair regrowth starts, more follicles enter the growth phase, where hair strands grow longer bit by bit. With fewer follicles in the resting and shedding phase, this results in a temporary decrease in the amount of hair you may find on your brush or in the shower drain. So, if you notice fewer strands of hair falling out, it's a positive sign that new hair is growing.

7. Strong and Shiny Hair

As new hair emerges, an early sign is the development of strong and shiny hair. As your hair grows, you may notice that it appears healthier and more vibrant. The newly growing hair tends to have a stronger structure and a smoother texture, contributing to its shiny appearance. This transformation results from the hair follicles producing new and healthy hair. So, if you observe your hair becoming stronger and shinier, it's a positive sign of new hair growth and replacing the older, damaged strands.

8. Tingling Scalp

You can't feel your hair growing but you sure can feel a tingling sensation on your scalp, which is a sign of new hair growth. Tingling happens because the hair follicles are becoming active and starting to produce new hair. As the hair begins to grow, it can stimulate the nerves in your scalp, causing a slight tingling or itching feeling.

The sensation is usually mild and temporary. It can be a positive sign that your scalp is healthy and that new hair is coming in. If other symptoms like pain or redness accompany the tingling, it might be a good idea to consult a healthcare professional.

How long does it take for new hair to start growing?

The journey of new hair growth is exciting, but it's natural to wonder how long it takes for those fresh strands to start sprouting. While the exact timeline can vary from person to person, there are some general guidelines to remember.

Typically, after a hair follicle enters the resting phase, known as the telogen phase, it takes around two to three months for new hair to start growing. This is because the resting phase can last anywhere from two to three months before the hair follicle transitions back into the active growth phase, called the anagen phase. During the anagen phase, the hair follicle produces new hair cells, which eventually emerge from the scalp as visible hair strands.

It's important to note that different factors can influence the timeline of new hair growth. Factors such as genetics, overall health, and individual hair growth cycles can impact the speed at which new hair begins to grow. Additionally, certain hair conditions or scalp issues may also affect the growth process. However, on average, you can expect to start noticing new hair growth within a few months after the resting phase begins.

LLLT Treatment for New Hair Growth

If you're looking for a way to promote new hair growth, Low-Level Laser Therapy (LLLT) could be the solution you've been searching for. One effective device that utilizes LLLT is the Theradome Laser Helmet, which has shown promising results in helping people grow new hair.

Theradome is a user-friendly, at-home treatment option that uses laser light to stimulate hair follicles. It's a non-invasive method, meaning it involves no surgical procedures or medications. Instead, it uses red laser lights to penetrate the scalp and stimulate the hair follicles, encouraging them to grow new, healthy hair.

The treatment provided by Theradome is painless and takes only a few minutes per session. By wearing the Theradome helmet, the laser lights are evenly distributed across the scalp, reaching the hair follicles directly. 


While you may not feel your hair growing, there are several signs you can look for to indicate new hair growth. These signs include changes in hair texture, the appearance of baby hairs along the hairline, increased hair length over time, dark spots around hair follicles, an occasional itchy scalp, reduced hair shedding, and strong and shiny hair development. These signs suggest that your hair is rejuvenating and undergoing a healthy transformation. It's important to remember that the timeline for new hair growth can vary from person to person, but on average, you can expect to start noticing new hair growth within a few months after the resting phase begins.

Low-Level Laser Therapy (LLLT) can be an effective option for promoting hair growth. One device that utilizes LLLT is the Theradome Laser Helmet. This user-friendly, at-home treatment involves wearing a helmet that emits red laser lights to stimulate the hair follicles. The treatment is painless and takes only a few minutes per session.

Tamim Hamid

Tamim Hamid

Inventor and CEO of Theradome

Sayyid Tamim Hamid, Ph.D, is the inventor of the world’s first FDA-cleared, wearable phototherapy device to prevent hair loss and thicken and regrow hair. Tamim, a former biomedical engineer at NASA and the inventor of Theradome, brings with him more than 38 years of expertise in product development, laser technology, and biomedical science. Tamim used his laser knowledge, fine-tuned at NASA, and combined it with his driving passion for helping others pursue a lifelong mission in hair loss and restoration. He is now one of the world’s leading experts.