beautiful hair for the holidays
By Tamim Hamid Last Updated on 01/09/2024

Beautiful Hair For The Holidays

Thanksgiving is coming up. For most of us, that means cheerfully sitting down at the table to eat turkey with a large group of family members. It’s time to be thankful for everything that’s in your life – and perhaps ignore what’s not in your life. Forty percent of hair loss sufferers are women, yet most hair loss treatments on the market today only target men.

Thanksgiving should not be a time when you sit down at the table with a smile and hope that no one notices that you have less hair than last year and the year before that.

The good news? You can put a stop to this. And you can achieve beautiful hair for the holidays safely, conveniently and without spending a fortune. The most effective hair loss treatment is 100% natural and was actually designed for women: the Theradome laser hair growth helmet.

If you’re thankful that you still have some hair left, but often dream of the days your mane was thick and lustrous, please read on...

1) You’re thankful you still have hair – but not thankful you keep losing more.

Have you ever looked at yourself in the mirror and promised you’d be happy if you could just stop losing hair and hold on to what you have? That the amount of hair piling up in your brush would stop increasing? You’re not alone. Most individuals who seek hair loss treatment would be happy if their shedding would come to a halt. Period.

The first thing that women notice after wearing the Theradome LH80 PRO for about four to six weeks is exactly that: hair stops falling out. Your daily shedding dramatically decreases, and emptying the vacuum canister no longer makes your jaw drop as piles of hair tumble down into the garbage can.

2) You’re thankful you still have hair – but not thankful your lost strands are not growing back.

Ladies with thinning hair have an extremely difficult time dealing with losing what they associate as part of their identity and femininity: their beautiful tresses. It’s kind of a double standard – no one thinks twice when a man strolls down the street with a slick bald head. But for us, it’s not an option and we don’t want it to be one either!

Fear not. Three months of hair loss treatments with the Theradome begins the process of reversing hair miniaturization. What does this translate to? It means that strands of hair that have weakened and shrunk over time can use laser energy to slowly grow back and return to a bouncy, healthy state.

3) You’re thankful you still have hair – but not thankful you don’t have enough to experiment with styling.

We may all be familiar with the following scenario. We’re flipping through a fashion magazine, when suddenly an ad catches our eye. We don’t particularly care for the product: it’s the model’s hairstyle that has us mesmerized. We rip out the page and book an appointment at our hair salon.

A few days later, while sitting in a salon chair, we get the bad news: we simply don’t have enough hair to make our new hairstyle dreams come true.

If you can relate to this, it’s time to put it all behind you. Laser hair growth therapy is clinically proven to boost hair count, accelerate hair growth and thicken hair shaft diameter, giving you fuller, denser locks that’ll give you plenty of options at the salon.

4) You’re thankful you still have hair – but not thankful you have bad hair days.

The world would be a better place if none of us ladies had our occasional bad hair days. If you’re losing hair, you might notice that these days are becoming more and more common. For instance, your curls are beginning to look like frizz and your strands are fragile and keep breaking off. Oh, and what’s going on with all of this dandruff?

Again, there’s no need to keep worrying and muttering as you swish on dozens of different hair products in front of the mirror. Laser hair loss treatments are clinically proven to strengthen hair follicles and increase tensile strength, dramatically reducing hair breakage and improving overall hair texture. Plus ladies with curly hair will experience gorgeous curl retention after using the Theradome as their locks regrow.

You can also kiss oiliness and flaking good-bye. As a scalp device, the Theradome reduces scalp inflammation and preps it for abundant, healthy hair growth.

5) You’re thankful you still have hair – and even more thankful that the Theradome can give you back your lustrous locks.

Don’t get us wrong: laser hair loss treatments are definitely not an overnight solution. While they require patience, they require very little effort. All you need to do is place the Theradome on your head, press a button and sit back, chat, do your nails, or read for 20 minutes. And only twice a week.

So in the end, wearing the Theradome gives us minimal shedding, a thicker mane and an increase of hair that’s much more manageable and stronger. We really can’t go wrong with that. You can now dazzle your family (and your own reflection in the mirror) with luxurious locks for years and years to come.

Why wait for hair loss to progress? Take control with Theradome's laser helmet. Start your journey to revitalized hair today. Embrace confidence anew by making the smart choice now.


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Tamim Hamid

Tamim Hamid

Inventor and CEO of Theradome

Sayyid Tamim Hamid, Ph.D, is the inventor of the world’s first FDA-cleared, wearable phototherapy device to prevent hair loss and thicken and regrow hair. Tamim, a former biomedical engineer at NASA and the inventor of Theradome, brings with him more than 38 years of expertise in product development, laser technology, and biomedical science. Tamim used his laser knowledge, fine-tuned at NASA, and combined it with his driving passion for helping others pursue a lifelong mission in hair loss and restoration. He is now one of the world’s leading experts.