1. I will wear the THERADOME at least twice-a-week
Low-Level Laser Therapy (LLLT) has been proven through hundreds of clinical studies to be effective at treating hair loss. So guess what - the best thing you can do for your hair and scalp is start using at-home laser phototherapy.
There are three types of Theradome users out there:
- People concerned with hair loss and using it as prevention or for thickening in general
- Early to moderate hair loss people
- People with late/advanced stages of hair loss, which may require hair restoration surgery.
In this case, you can maximize your hair transplant results by using the Theradome before and after going under the knife.
2. I will use the RIGHT kind of shampoo!
There’s a lot of hype going around with DHT-blockers when in truth, if you think about it, tinkering with your hormone levels is in essence trying to tinker with your gender. If hormone fluctuations could be controlled so easily (and safely), don’t you think we’d all be applying so-called DHT minimizing topical applications? The concept of these products makes absolutely no sense. As a woman, would you anoint yourself with “DHT-blocking lotion” to minimize the effects of PMS, which some of us begrudgingly experience until hitting menopause? Naturally the answer is NO. So let your hormone levels run their course and concentrate on the right treatments.
Inflammation, fungus, and hair problems such as thinning usually come hand-in-hand; so in this case, the right treatments involve using the right types of shampoo. Healthy hair begins with a healthy scalp: any scalp problems will inevitably trickle into the state and quality (and quantity!) of your hair. So incorporate anti-dandruff shampoos and anti-fungal solutions into your weekly LLLT regimen to minimize all inflammation and rid your scalp of any excess fungus, (which we all have in case you didn’t know).

3. I will NOT cover my scalp!
If you’re struggling with thinning hair, wearing a hat, wig or any type of concealer may seem like a brilliant idea. In truth, you’re only aggravating the problem. Humidity and sweat can sometimes increase the growth of certain types of fungi known to exacerbate inflammation; and as we’ve repeating over and over again, the state of your scalp is fundamentally coupled to the state of your hair.
If your hair is already fragile or thinning, avoid hair extensions as extra weight and pull can lead to easy breakage, worsening your problem. If your hair is healthy, then proceed with caution when it comes to adding length to your tresses. Something as simple as incorporating the Theradome laser hair helmet into your weekly regimen can prevent traction alopecia, which can lead to permanent hair loss if not dealt with correctly.

4. I will eat a HEALTHY diet, keep my stress level DOWN and QUIT SMOKING!
The saying that “you are what you eat” has been overused in society, but there’s definitely some truth to this cliché quote. If you don’t eat well, your health won’t be at its optimum level; if your health is suffering, so will the condition of your hair. In fact, hair is the first thing to deteriorate when a medical condition surfaces and often indicates that “something’s not quite right”. To ensure your hair is getting all the nutrients it needs, start incorporating supplements into your routine: take daily doses of biotin, selenium and zinc.
Quit smoking. Now. If getting diagnosed with cancer or emphysema while polluting your body isn’t a big enough threat for you, then at least do it for the sake of not going bald. We’re not talking about undergoing chemotherapy and losing your thick mane. Smoking robs you of oxygen, which is crucial for your core organs. Their deterioration will bring along a thousand and one health problems, and your hair will be first to perish in consequence.
Keep your stress level in check. Hair loss is associated with stress.

5. I will NOT skip medical appointments!
Health and hair are closely tied together. Make sure to address any medical concerns lingering in the back of your head. Ignoring a problem may just, in the end, worsen it. While certain types of medications can result in hair thinning?
The five top medical conditions known to cause hair loss are:
- Thyroid and thymus problems that result in severe hormonal imbalances
- Obstetric and gynecological conditions that result in post-partum and post-menopausal states
- Anemia– a deficiency of iron
- Immune deficiency disorders, i.e.– lupus
- Poor nutrition, such as the result of crash diets. These often cause a deficiency of protein, zinc, calcium, and essential fatty acid
Other studies indicate that hair loss could also be an indication of heart disease, type II diabetes, and obesity.
If you’re perfectly healthy now, great! Carry on with your routine check-ups and never skip annual visits to your doctor’s office. Prevention goes and will always go a long way, including when dealing with hair loss.
Your hair is an essential part of your identity. Take a proactive step towards a healthier, fuller head of hair by investing in Theradome. Order your laser hair growth helmet now and experience the transformative power of our technology.
Happy New Year from Theradome!