Theradome vs Other Hair Growth Devices: Which is Better?
By Tamim Hamid Last Updated on 02/23/2025

Theradome vs Other Hair Growth Devices: Which is Better?

Hair loss is a common concern affecting individuals of various ages and genders. In recent years, there has been a proliferation of over-the-counter (OTC) consumer laser phototherapy devices (LPT) that all claim to combat hair loss and stimulate hair regrowth. In this comprehensive comparison, we will analyze and compare the four most popular hair growth devices, including:  Theradome, iRestore, HairMax, and Capillus. 

We’ll evaluate each brand’s LPT device to determine its rank based on the 5 Factors required for any high-quality, effective and safe LPT device for use by consumers at home. This article will provide you with the information you need to make the best choice in selecting the right laser phototherapy device for maximum benefit. 


Five Factors for Finding the Perfect Fit:  

The goal of LPT is to stimulate the two most important areas deep in your scalp: the bulge and the papilla. It sounds simple enough, but when you look closely at LPT devices, they are NOT all created equal. There are 5 key attributes that, when they are present all together and working optimally in an LPT device, will yield the best hair growth results. When assessing the best LPT device for you, you must consider all of these:  

  1. Wavelength 
  2. Heat Management 
  3. Scalp Penetration 
  4. Dosage 
  5. Beam Width 

1. Wavelength

The most important factor. Laser treatments must have the capacity to penetrate the scalp all the way to the hair follicle. This involves using the correct type of device at the right wavelength and with enough power. Getting the right wavelength at the right power output means the best LPT device will focus on quality over quantity.  

It is by far better to have a high-quality laser at the right wavelength emitting the right power output than it is to have a large number of lasers at a less-than-ideal wavelength. For example, the difference between a laser with a 650nm wavelength vs. 680nm means that the resulting hair follicle stimulation using a 680nm wavelength stimulates hair follicles 2.5 times more than a laser just 30 nm less!

Be aware that some LPT devices with lower quality lasers (emitting 635 655nm wavelength) will actually CAUSE hair shedding, especially at the beginning. And don’t be fooled by devices that include LED lights. Adding LEDs to an LPT device is simply an inexpensive way to entice uninformed consumers to purchase the device with the “most lights”.  In the case of lasers, more is NOT better because too many lasers emit too much heat, and excess heat causes hair to shed. The only thing LEDs add to a device is excess heat. Plus, LEDs are simply not powerful enough as lasers to have a therapeutic effect on hair growth.

2. Heat Management

Heat management is often an overlooked factor in the physical design of an LPT device. As mentioned earlier, heat and lasers do not mix well. If the heat generated naturally from the lasers is not dissipated from the scalp, you can end up damaging your hair follicle and causing hair loss!  

Choose an LPT device that covers your entire scalp and keeps your scalp cool for the therapeutic treatment window proven by Swedish Clinical 1965 (?) trials to be no more and no less than 20 minutes.  Some LPT devices will pulse on and off to control heat or provide less than 20 minutes to prevent heat build-up.  

3. Scalp Penetration

Laser phototherapy only works if an optimal dosage of energy is absorbed by the base of the hair follicles. The trick is not to use too much or too little energy. The dosage needs to meet the therapeutic window, which is based on the Arndt-Schultz graph. Just as common ailments like minor aches and pains have recommended doses (e.g. 325-500mg of acetaminophen every 4 hours is a safe dose while more than 6,500 mg per day is not recommended). The same is true for LPT treatments, except that we measure light dosage as joules per square centimeter.  You should not exceed more than 10 joules/cm of LPT treatments. The optimum dosage for hair is 7 j/cm2.  

Hair follicles are deep below the surface, and therefore, restoring them requires the right penetration and a precise dose of energy. A fascinating thing happens when an optimal dosage of energy is absorbed by the mitochondria of hair cells – light energy changes into chemical energy by a process called biostimulation. Once hair cells are revived, the scalp retains the hair, and new hair can grow. That’s why you need to know the energy dosage of an LPT device.  Without it, you can’t ensure biostimulation is taking place. 

4. Dosage

The optimum distance light must travel into the scalp is between 3mm and 5mm, as hair follicles are located at various depths throughout the scalp. By the time laser light reaches 5mm, the level of light is a fraction of what it was above the scalp. An LPT device has to have a lot of power on top of the scalp because, by the time it reaches the hair follicle, 99% of the power will be lost in the dermis. Lasers with a 680nm wavelength ensure that the laser light will penetrate deep enough to impact the structures of the hair follicle responsible for hair growth.

5. Beam Width

The width of a laser light beam is critical since the smaller the beam width, the deeper a laser can penetrate the scalp. Lasers have coherence, which means that the photons are all aligned, unlike other light sources, such as LEDs, flashlights, and even the sun. Consider digging a hole for a fence post; choosing the right tool is important. You wouldn’t use a snow shovel, you would use a post-hole digger because the width of the tool needs to be narrow, not broad, in order to dig deep enough to do the job.  

A laser light with a narrow beam of light not only enables the light to reach the right part of the follicle deep within the scalp but, when combined with the right light dosage, heat management and light wavelength, will yield THE most effective LPT device available. All 5 factors must work together to create this; having less than these 5 results in a less effective hair growth treatment device. 

Comparison: Theradome vs Other Brands

Now that you know the 5 critical features to look for in any LPT device, let’s look at specific brands and how they stack up. Note that in the chart below, Theradome is listed in blue font, while the other competitor devices are in red.

Image theradome LPT Device VL680 LAser All other lpt devices All other LLLT (led) devices combination of lpt Laser & Led

Which Laser Hair Growth Device is the Best?

With plenty of laser hair growth devices available in the market, you might face a tough decision when choosing the right one. 

Instead of making a hasty decision, it's essential to conduct thorough research.  Many users have found the Theradome Laser Helmet to be the most effective and convenient option, not just because we’re partial to Theradome but because science backs it up. No other at-home laser phototherapy device on the market leads in every category of criteria when shopping for the best LPT device. When you compare Wavelength, beam width, scalp penetration, heat management and dosage, Theradome stands out better than Irestore, Hairmax, and Capillus.


Which is better, iRESTORE or Theradome?

Theradome is better than iRESTORE based on several factors. Theradome uses a more effective wavelength (680nm), has a higher power output (6 joules/cm2), and is built in the USA. Theradome uses only lasers, causes no shedding, and has better customer ratings It was also the first FDA-cleared helmet device.

What is the best laser helmet for hair growth?

Theradome is the best laser helmet for hair growth. It was invented by a NASA scientist, uses clinically proven wavelength (680nm), and delivers powerful laser therapy (6 joules/cm2). It's FDA-cleared, made in the USA, causes no shedding, and has excellent customer ratings. Many hair loss clinics worldwide recommend it.

Is Theradome Pro better than iRestore?

Yes, Theradome PRO is better than iRestore. Theradome PRO has the most powerful VL680ᵀᴹ medical-grade proprietary lasers. It uses only lasers at a 680nm wavelength, proven to stimulate hair follicles, while iRestore uses less effective LEDs and weaker lasers. Theradome PRO helmet is also 100% wireless, made in the USA, and invented by a NASA scientist. It’s more powerful, reliable, and trusted by clinics worldwide.

How long does it take for Theradome to work?

You may notice less hair shedding in 2-4 weeks. Visible improvements usually appear between 8 to 12 weeks, with significant hair regrowth around 6 months. Consistency in using the Theradome helmet is key to the best results.

Can I use Theradome with minoxidil?

Yes, you can use Theradome with minoxidil. It's best to use Theradome first, then apply minoxidil afterward. Make sure your scalp is clean, and avoid leave-in products during Theradome treatments.

Tamim Hamid

Tamim Hamid

Inventor and CEO of Theradome

Sayyid Tamim Hamid, Ph.D, is the inventor of the world’s first FDA-cleared, wearable phototherapy device to prevent hair loss and thicken and regrow hair. Tamim, a former biomedical engineer at NASA and the inventor of Theradome, brings with him more than 38 years of expertise in product development, laser technology, and biomedical science. Tamim used his laser knowledge, fine-tuned at NASA, and combined it with his driving passion for helping others pursue a lifelong mission in hair loss and restoration. He is now one of the world’s leading experts.