Why Does My Hair Grow Uneven
By Tamim Hamid Last Updated on 10/04/2024

Uneven Hair Growth: Why It Happens and How to Fix It?

Have you ever wondered why your hair grows unevenly? If so, you're not alone. Many people struggle with this issue and are eager to find solutions. Uneven hair growth can be frustrating and leave you wondering what causes it. Several factors can contribute to this issue. 

One of the main causes of uneven hair growth is genetics. Just like other physical traits, your hair growth patterns can be inherited from your parents or other family members. Hormonal factors can also play a role. Changes in hormone levels, such as those that occur during puberty, pregnancy, or menopause, can affect the rate and distribution of hair growth. Also, scalp conditions, medications, health, and lifestyle factors can make your hair grow uneven.

In this blog, we will explore the reasons behind uneven hair growth and provide practical tips on how to fix it. We'll break down the various factors that can contribute to uneven growth, such as genetics, hormones, and lifestyle choices. Understanding the root causes is the first step to finding effective solutions. Whether you're looking for simple home remedies or professional treatments, we've got you covered.

What is Uneven Hair Growth?

Uneven hair growth refers to a condition where the hair on your scalp grows at different rates or in different patterns, resulting in an uneven or patchy appearance. It means that some areas of your head may have longer or thicker hair while others may have shorter or thinner strands. This can create an imbalance in the overall look and feel of your hair.

Is Uneven Hair Growth Normal?

Yes, uneven hair growth is normal. Just like your hands, eyes, and legs are not exactly the same as each other, your hair also grows unevenly. It's common for different parts of your scalp to grow hair at varying rates or thicknesses. However, if your hair is rapidly becoming very uneven compared to other areas, genetic factors or hormonal imbalances might be the issue. In most cases, slight differences in hair growth are nothing to worry about and are just a natural part of how our bodies work.

Why Is My Hair Growing Unevenly?

The reasons for uneven hair growth can be confusing and frustrating since they can be influenced by various factors, from your hair care routine to health conditions. Before discussing the specific reasons, remember that hair grows in cycles, and disruptions to these cycles can cause uneven growth. Let's look at the few simple reasons why your hair might be growing unevenly:

1. Genetic Factors

One of the reasons why your hair may be growing unevenly is due to genetic factors. Your genes play a significant role in determining various physical characteristics, including your hair growth patterns. You may have inherited a predisposition for uneven hair growth from your parents or other family members. This means that certain areas of your scalp may naturally have faster or slower hair growth rates, leading to an uneven appearance.

2. Hormonal Changes

Hormones play a crucial role in regulating various processes in our bodies, including hair growth. During different stages of life, such as puberty, pregnancy, and menopause, hormone levels can fluctuate. These hormonal fluctuations can affect the rate and distribution of hair growth, leading to unevenness. For example, during pregnancy, some women may experience thicker and faster hair growth in certain areas, while others may notice slower growth or even hair loss. Similarly, hormonal imbalances can disrupt the normal hair growth cycle, resulting in uneven hair growth patterns.

3. Health and Lifestyle Factors

One possible reason for uneven hair growth could be related to health and lifestyle factors. If you have a thyroid issue, anemia, or other health problems, this can disrupt the natural hair growth cycle. Your hair may shed more or grow slower in some spots. Stress can delay growth, too. Lifestyle factors like sleep deprivation, poor nutrition, not drinking enough water, and smoking can deprive hair follicles of nutrients and energy needed to grow. Damaging practices like frequent heat styling and tightly pulling hair back constantly can also break hairs unevenly. All these health and lifestyle factors influence hair follicle behavior, and that leads to variation in growth rates and uneven length.

Learn: How Thyroid Issues can lead to Hair Loss

4. Scalp Conditions

The health of your scalp can also contribute to uneven growth. Conditions such as dandruff, scalp infections, or clogged hair follicles can interfere with the normal growth process. These conditions can disrupt the hair follicles' ability to produce healthy hair strands, leading to uneven growth patterns. Additionally, excessive oiliness or dryness of the scalp can also contribute to uneven hair growth. It's important to maintain a clean and balanced scalp environment by adopting good hygiene practices and addressing scalp issues to promote more even and healthy hair growth.

5. Medications

Some medications can cause uneven hair growth as a side effect. Medicines like chemotherapy for cancer, antidepressants, blood pressure pills, thyroid disorders, and others can make hair fall out or start growing back at different rates across the scalp. This is because the drugs can impact the hair growth cycle. The unevenness is usually temporary, and hair should even out after stopping the medication. But check with your doctor if a medicine you're taking seems to be causing patchy or uneven hair regrowth.

Will My Hair Grow Back Even?

Will My Hair Grow Back Even

It's normal to worry that your hair may not grow back evenly if you lose more hair in some spots. But there's good news - with time, your hair can fill back in. First, it's important to understand the cause of your uneven hair. If it's due to temporary factors like stress, illness, or medication, there's a higher chance that your hair will grow back evenly once those factors are resolved. Hair grows from follicles under your scalp. Each follicle controls the thickness and length of one strand of hair. Even if you lose more hair in one area, the follicles are still alive under your skin. As your hair starts to regrow, it may look uneven at first. But over several months, strands will get longer and help hide thin spots.

How Do You Fix Uneven Hair Growth?

how to fix uneven hair growth

There are several steps you can take to address this issue and promote more even hair growth. Here are some simple ways to fix uneven hair growth:

Regularly Trim Your Hair

When you get your hair trimmed every 6-8 weeks, it helps remove any split or damaged ends. This allows all of your hair to grow out fresh and new from the scalp. Trims help keep the ends of your hair healthy so that strands can grow at the same rate. Trimming also shapes your hair so that thinner patches blend in better with the rest of your hair. The regular snip snip of the scissors keeps each hair follicle shooting out strands at a steady pace. So, while uneven hair growth happens over time, keeping up with regular trims helps to fix it before it becomes too noticeable.

Gentle Hair Care

Being gentle with your hair is important when dealing with uneven hair growth. Harsh styling and processing treatments can damage follicles and cause more unevenness. Instead, you should treat your hair delicately by using a wide-tooth comb and brushing gently from the ends up to untangle, avoiding breakage. Washing your hair less frequently with a mild shampoo and conditioner also helps retain moisture and natural oils. It would help if you also avoided excess heat from hot tools that can dry out thinner areas even more. Allowing your hair to air dry when possible provides a smooth, even finish. A healthy scalp and strands lead to more uniform growth.

Scalp Massage

Giving yourself a scalp massage is a great way to help with uneven hair growth. Massaging your scalp boosts circulation, which encourages healthy hair growth. You should focus the massage on thinner areas of the scalp that need it most.  Use your fingertips to apply gentle pressure around the follicles and stimulate blood flow. Using small circular motions is an easy massage technique to cover the whole scalp. Aim to massage for at least 5 minutes per day, ideally in the shower when the scalp is most relaxed. The increase in blood flow will deliver oxygen and nutrients that hair follicles need to grow thick, healthy strands. Regular scalp massages wake up sleepy follicles so new growth can come in more full and even.

Also Read: How to Do Scalp Massage for Hair Growth?

Balanced Diet

Your follicles need proper nutrition to produce healthy, even strands.  You need to focus on foods rich in protein, like eggs, fish, and beans, to nourish follicles and improve irregular hair growth. Getting enough vitamin C from citrus, spinach, and berries aids collagen production for firm follicles. Vitamin D from fatty fish, milk, and sunlight also boosts growth. Vitamin E-rich foods like nuts and sweet potatoes fight damage from free radicals. Zinc in oysters, nuts, and whole grains prevents hair shedding. Meat, eggs, and seeds contain biotin that strengthens keratin for thicker hair. A diverse, well-rounded diet provides all the nutrients essential for optimal growth.

Avoid Tight Hairstyles

Pulling your hair too tightly into hairstyles can cause damage, and hair grows uneven over time. Tight ponytails, buns, braids, and cornrows constantly pull on the hair near your scalp. This can put excessive tension on follicles in those areas. The constant traction can disrupt the hair growth cycle, leading to thinning or shedding. Avoid super tight styles day after day. Give your hair a break by wearing it down or in looser styles. If you want to keep tight hairstyles, use leave-in conditioners and oils to reduce friction. Giving follicles a tension break allows them to regrow new strands normally.

Try Theradome to Fix Uneven Hair Growth

If you've tried other techniques without success, using a theradome laser helmet can help grow your hair back evenly. The theradome emits low-level lasers that penetrate the scalp and increase cellular activity and blood flow around follicles. This boosted circulation provides nutrients that can revive weak or dormant follicles in thinning spots. Light therapy also stimulates growth factors to encourage the anagen growth phase. Healthier, stronger follicles are then able to regenerate strands more uniformly. You should use the theradome for 20 minutes every other day for consistency, which is key to seeing results. The laser sessions are non-invasive and gentle, even on patchy areas.


In conclusion, understanding the causes of uneven hair growth is crucial to finding effective solutions. By identifying the primary factors, you can take specific actions to address the issue and promote more even hair growth. Whether it's hormonal imbalances, nutritional deficiencies, excessive heat styling, scalp conditions, or genetic factors, knowing why your hair grows uneven is essential. To fix uneven hair growth, it's important to adopt a comprehensive approach. This may involve making lifestyle changes, such as maintaining a balanced diet, practicing gentle hair care techniques, avoiding tight hairstyles, and incorporating scalp massages into your routine.

Additionally, if these approaches haven't worked for you, you can always try Theradome Helmet. Incorporating the Theradome into your hair care routine allows the laser stimulation to flow, supporting the improvement of hair growth patterns and enhancing the overall appearance of your hair.


How do you fix uneven hair?

If your hair is uneven, you can even it out. Use hair-cutting scissors to trim the longer pieces. Be careful and cut small amounts at a time. Check in the mirror as you cut to make the lengths match.

Is it normal for hair to grow unevenly?

Yes, it is normal for hair to grow unevenly. Factors like genetics, hair care practices, and hormonal changes can contribute to uneven hair growth.

Does uneven hair grow back evenly?

Yes, uneven hair can grow back evenly over time. Regular trims can help remove any damaged or shorter strands, allowing for more uniform growth. Maintaining a healthy hair care routine and avoiding excessive heat or chemical treatments can also promote healthier and more even hair growth.

Why is my hair uneven on one side?

Hair can appear uneven on one side due to various reasons, such as sleeping positions, habitual hair tucking, or repeated styling on a particular side.

Can hormonal imbalances affect hair growth?

Yes, hormonal imbalances can indeed affect hair growth. Hormones play a crucial role in regulating the hair growth cycle, and imbalances can lead to excessive hair shedding or thinning.

Can certain hairstyles help hide uneven hair growth?

Yes, layered haircuts, textured styles, and strategic use of hair accessories can help camouflage uneven growth of hair and create a more balanced look.

Tamim Hamid

Tamim Hamid

Inventor and CEO of Theradome

Sayyid Tamim Hamid, Ph.D, is the inventor of the world’s first FDA-cleared, wearable phototherapy device to prevent hair loss and thicken and regrow hair. Tamim, a former biomedical engineer at NASA and the inventor of Theradome, brings with him more than 38 years of expertise in product development, laser technology, and biomedical science. Tamim used his laser knowledge, fine-tuned at NASA, and combined it with his driving passion for helping others pursue a lifelong mission in hair loss and restoration. He is now one of the world’s leading experts.