laser hair growth therapy
By Tamim Hamid Last Updated on 05/14/2024

Four Things You Didn’t Know About Laser Hair Growth Therapy

Laser hair growth therapy is truly one of the most exciting medical advancements in the modern era! It's a completely natural treatment option with absolutely no side effects. Of course, best of all, it has the power to restore your hair and their confidence.

And, there are some pretty cool facts about it. Here are 4 things you probably didn't know about laser hair growth therapy.

1) It started with mice.

A long time ago, in a laboratory far far away, a Hungarian physician named Dr. Endre Mester was conducting experiments on mice. More precisely, he was trying to initiate the growth of cancer cells. To help the mice absorb more laser light, he shaved their backs. One group of mice was exposed to constant laser light, while the control group was not.

Dr. Mester was amazed to realize the exposed mice's fur grew back much quicker than the control mice. To his chagrin, he also realized his lasers weren't calibrated correctly. They were emitting a much lower power output than he planned.

Although he didn't live long enough to see the impact of this discovery, in a way, Dr. Mester is considered to be the father of laser hair growth therapy. Even if it was an accident :)

2) It works just like the photosynthesis of plants.

Remember your high school biology classes? When you learned about how plants become green, tall and healthy using the power of pure sunlight?

While human beings have evolved beyond simple-celled organisms, we still have something in common with the vegetal inhabitants of planet Earth. We too need sunlight to survive. In fact, human tissue converts light energy through a chemical process to produce vitamin D, which is crucial for human health. Plants do the same thing: their cells absorb sunlight with the help of a chemical called chlorophyll. This light energy fuels photosynthesis, which produces plant food (carbon dioxide) while releasing oxygen into the atmosphere.

Laser hair growth therapy works similarly. As powerful coherent laser light reaches hair follicles, mitochondria convert light energy into chemical energy– which then powers new hair growth.

3) Laser hair growth therapy is all about the base.

Proper photobiostimulation occurs when the mitochondria in your hair cells convert light energy into chemical energy. This influx of energy essentially revives your hair follicles. Not targeting the base of hair follicles is like caring for a plant by watering its leaves instead of its roots.

To reach the base of hair follicles, your laser hair growth device needs to penetrate the scalp with coherent light at a depth of 3 to 5 mm. Only lasers (as opposed to Light-Emitting Diodes– LEDs) are powerful enough to do so. You’ll also need the correct wavelength. Different wavelengths of light carry distinctive energies, which are directly related their penetration. For example, 680 nm is perfect for reaching the base of hair follicles. That's why Theradome's lasers are specifically manufactured to emit 680nm wavelengths of light.

Other wavelengths will target different layers of the skin, which is why they are used for wound healing therapies. A CO2 laser with a wavelength of 10600 nm, for instance, will deposit its energy into the epidermis layer of the skin.

Don’t forget to factor time into the equation– you need about 20 minutes of treatment time for the base of hair follicles to absorb an optimal dosage of energy.

4) It follows its own Goldilocks rule.

Remember the fairy tale of the little blond girl who wanted her porridge to be “just right”? Laser hair growth therapy has its equivalent. You need the right amount of energy delivered at precisely the right intervals to restore hair at a cellular level.

High-quality devices utilize the Arndt-Schultz Law. It essentially says that weakly applied stimuli lead to a minimal biological response, but that stronger applied stimuli can inhibit a positive response. A great example of this is choosing an adequate massage therapist. You neither want an incompetent weak jellyfish nor do you want the heavyset, overpowering Frau Helga, eager to apply pressure over your tender muscles with all of her bovine strength.

So too much is too much and not enough is not enough, and an excess of laser energy can create damage. In fact, doses of laser energy are cumulative. This means that a single treatment will still have residual effects 1 ½ to 2 weeks after your session is completed. Thus you shouldn’t undergo back-to-back treatments because you might eventually reach a point where the effects of your treatments are compounding over time. Try treating frequently at first to build up a bit of a cumulative effect, then pare your treatment schedule down over time to keep you in an optimal treatment range that’s “just right” for your hair growing goals. Find out more about Theradome.

Your hair plays a significant role in how you feel about yourself. Say goodbye to hair loss worries and hello to a future with a fuller head of hair. Take action today and invest in your confidence by trying the Theradome laser hair growth helmet.


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Tamim Hamid

Tamim Hamid

Inventor and CEO of Theradome

Sayyid Tamim Hamid, Ph.D, is the inventor of the world’s first FDA-cleared, wearable phototherapy device to prevent hair loss and thicken and regrow hair. Tamim, a former biomedical engineer at NASA and the inventor of Theradome, brings with him more than 38 years of expertise in product development, laser technology, and biomedical science. Tamim used his laser knowledge, fine-tuned at NASA, and combined it with his driving passion for helping others pursue a lifelong mission in hair loss and restoration. He is now one of the world’s leading experts.