what is hair porosity
By Tamim Hamid Last Updated on 10/07/2024

3 Types of Hair Porosity: How to Test Porosity Under Water?

Understanding your hair's porosity can be a game-changer in your hair care routine. Hair porosity is all about how well your locks can absorb and hold moisture. It determines how your hair behaves when you wash, style, or treat it. But here's the twist – not all hair is created equal, and understanding your hair's porosity type is necessary in your hair care routine.

In this blog, we'll dive into the three types of hair porosity and guide you through an easy water test to determine your hair's porosity. By the end, you'll know what type of hair porosity you have and how to give it the best care. But first, let's look at the proper meaning of hair porosity.

What is Hair Porosity?

Hair porosity refers to the hair’s ability to absorb and retain moisture. Hair porosity is a critical aspect of understanding your hair’s characteristics and needs. Unlike simply assessing whether your hair is dry or oily, porosity dives deeper into how well your hair absorbs moisture.

Identifying your hair’s porosity involves several methods. Different levels of hair porosity tests, such as the water test and hair strand tests, or seeking professional advice to help determine whether your hair has low, normal, or high porosity. Low porosity hair has tightly sealed cuticles, making it resistant to moisture penetration. Normal porosity hair strikes a balance, allowing an ideal amount of moisture in and out. High porosity hair has overly porous cuticles, quickly absorbing moisture but struggling to retain it.

3 Types of Hair Porosity

Your hair's porosity can be low, medium, or high. The porosity level reflects how easily your hair absorbs and retains moisture. Let's take a closer look at each type of hair porosity:

1. Low Porosity Hair

Hair with low porosity has a tightly bound cuticle layer with overlapping scales that lay flat. This type of hair repels moisture, making it challenging for water or products to penetrate. It often takes longer to get wet and longer to dry. Characteristics include:

  • Products may sit on the hair rather than absorb.
  • Requires heat or steam treatments to open up the cuticle for better product absorption.
  • Prone to product buildup due to difficulty of absorption.

2. Normal/Medium Porosity Hair

Hair with medium porosity usually has a looser cuticle layer, allowing it to absorb and retain moisture easily. It’s the most balanced type of porosity, with characteristics like:

  • Holds styles well.
  • Easily absorbs and retains moisture without becoming overly dry or frizzy.
  • Requires moderate maintenance.

3. High Porosity Hair

Hair with high porosity has gaps and holes in the cuticle layer, making it highly porous and prone to quickly absorbing too much moisture and losing it rapidly. Characteristics include:

  • Tends to frizz easily, especially in humid conditions.
  • Dries quickly.
  • Absorbs products easily but may require frequent application due to rapid loss of moisture.

What Causes Low or High Hair Porosity?

Several factors can influence hair porosity. Here are some of them:

Genetics: The natural structure of your hair, determined by genetics, plays a significant role. Some people naturally have higher or lower porosity hair.

Find out how your genetics influence hair loss.

Environmental Damage: Ultraviolet exposure can also affect the porosity of your hair. Exposure to environmental factors such as sun, wind, pollutants, and harsh weather conditions can affect the hair cuticle, leading to changes in porosity.

Chemical Processing: Treatments like bleaching, dyeing, perming, and relaxing can alter the hair’s porosity by affecting the cuticle’s integrity.

Heat Styling: Excessive use of heat tools like straighteners, curling irons, and blow dryers can damage the cuticle, potentially increasing hair porosity.

Mechanical Damage: Rough handling, vigorous brushing, and using harsh hair accessories can cause damage to the cuticle, impacting porosity.

Age: Hair tends to become more porous as it ages due to natural wear and tear on the cuticle over time.

    How to Test Hair Porosity in Water?

    You're not the only one confused about your hair's porosity level. Thankfully, a high or low porosity hair test in water makes figuring out yourself at home quite simple. This is how you do it:

    There is a simple way to test hair porosity under water. You only need two things for the test: a clear glass of water and a strand of hair. It is suggested that you practice the following product cleaning and build-up from your strands to get the most accurate reading. Tart your hair to release strands that fall out, and then take those strands and drop them into your glass of water. A hair with 'normal' porosity will float and then slowly sink. Hair with high porosity tends to fall out quickly.

    hair porosity test

    Things to learn from the above water hair porosity test:

    In the first glass labeled "Low Porosity," the hair strand is floating on the surface of the water. Since the hair has low porosity, it doesn't absorb water well, causing it to remain on top.

    In the second glass labeled "Medium Porosity," the hair strand is floating in the middle of the water. This indicates that the hair has absorbed some water, allowing it to sink partially but not completely. This is typical of medium-porosity hair.

    In the third glass labeled "High Porosity," the hair strand has sunk to the bottom of the water. High porosity hair absorbs water quickly and easily, causing it to become saturated and sink to the bottom of the glass.

    The hair porosity test in water clearly shows how different hair porosity types interact with water, providing an easy way to understand and identify your hair porosity. Additionally, you can wet your hair shaft and observe how long it takes to dry to test its porosity.

    Low Porosity Vs. High Porosity Hair

    Low-porosity hair has a tightly bound cuticle layer that resists moisture absorption, whereas high-porosity hair has a raised, lifted cuticle layer, which allows moisture and products to easily enter and exit the hair fiber. Let's learn the differences between low vs. high porosity hair in detail:

    Low Porosity Hair

    Low porosity hair exhibits several signs that distinguish it from other hair types. Here are some common signs of low porosity hair:

    • Cuticle scales lay flat and tightly bound, making it hard for moisture to penetrate.
    • Resistant to absorbing water or products.
    • Takes a longer time to get wet and dry.
    • Product buildup can occur due to limited absorption.
    • Hair tends to float for a while before sinking due to its inability to absorb water quickly.
    • Oils and other products tend to sit on the hair rather than being absorbed, leading to a feeling of residue or buildup.

    How to take care of low-porosity hair?

    Caring for low-porosity hair involves strategies to encourage moisture absorption and retention since this hair type has difficulty absorbing products. Here are some tips for caring for low-porosity hair:

    • Use heat or steam to open up the cuticle for better absorption (like warm water rinses, steaming, or using a heated cap).
    • Lighter products that won’t sit heavily on the hair and cause buildup are preferable.
    • Clarifying shampoos can help in removing buildup.
    • Avoid heavy oils or products that may weigh down the hair.
    • Apply your leave-in conditioner or styling products on damp hair, as this can help with better absorption compared to applying on dry hair.
    • Style hair that protects the ends of your hair, such as braids or twists, can help retain moisture by minimizing environmental exposure.
    • Trim hair regularly to remove split ends and prevent further damage, which can affect moisture retention.

    High Porosity Hair

    High porosity hair tends to show specific characteristics that distinguish it from other types. Here are some common signs of high porosity hair:

    • The cuticle layer has gaps, holes, or lifted scales, allowing moisture to enter easily but escape quickly.
    • Tends to frizz easily, especially in humid conditions.
    • Absorbs water and products rapidly but loses moisture just as fast.
    • Prone to dryness and breakage due to rapid moisture loss.
    • Hair appears dull or lackluster because the raised cuticles reflect less light.
    • In the water test, high porosity hair sinks quickly because it absorbs water fast.
    • Highly susceptible to damage from chemical treatments.
    • Hairstyles might not hold since the hair struggles to retain moisture and structure.

    How to take care of high-porosity hair?

    High porosity hair requires a care routine that focuses on retaining moisture and strengthening the hair cuticles to prevent excessive moisture loss. Here are some tips for caring for high porosity hair:

    • Deep conditioning treatments to help retain moisture.
    • Leave-in conditioners and heavier products to seal moisture into the hair.
    • Avoid harsh chemical treatments and heat styling that can further damage the cuticle.
    • Regular trims to remove split ends and prevent further damage.
    • Use protein treatments occasionally to strengthen and repair the hair shaft.
    • Be gentle when detangling and styling your hair to avoid breakage.
    • Use silk or satin pillowcases or wrap your hair in a silk or satin scarf or bonnet at night to prevent moisture loss due to friction.

    Also Read: How to Identify If You Have Thick or Thin Hair


    Understanding your hair's porosity is necessary to follow the best care routine for your hair. By recognizing whether it is low, medium, or high porosity, you can tailor your hair care routine to meet its specific needs. Knowing your hair porosity type helps you choose the right products and treatments, ensuring your hair stays healthy and manageable. The water test, a simple and effective home method, can determine your hair's porosity. Now that you know how to test your hair porosity, you can actively engage in ensuring your hair receives the best possible care and attention.

    However, even with the best care and attention to porosity, sometimes hair loss can still be a challenge. If you're struggling with thinning hair or hair loss despite your best efforts, don't lose hope. Advanced solutions are available, like the Theradome laser hair growth helmet. This innovative device uses low-level laser therapy to stimulate hair follicles and promote growth. It's a non-invasive option that can complement your hair care routine and help you regain fuller, healthier hair. Everyone's hair journey is different, and it's okay to seek extra help when needed.


    Do I have high or low porosity hair?

    Determining hair porosity involves understanding how well your hair absorbs and retains moisture. Take a strand of clean hair and drop it into a bowl of water. If it sinks quickly, your hair likely has high porosity because it absorbs water fast. If it floats for a while before sinking, it’s probably low porosity as it’s not absorbing water readily.

    How long does it take low porosity hair to dry?

    Low porosity hair tends to take longer to dry compared to other hair types due to its resistance to water absorption. The exact drying time can vary based on various factors like hair thickness, length, density, and the environment. Generally, low porosity hair can take anywhere from 2 to 4 hours to air-dry fully, and in some cases, it might even take longer.

    Can I have different porosity levels on different parts of my head?

    Yes, it is possible to have various levels of porosity in different parts of your hair, which can occur due to factors like heat damage, environmental exposure, and chemical treatments.

    How can I increase my hair porosity?

    Yes, you can increase your hair porosity. Here are a few tips to implement:

    • Diet
    • Natural oils
    • Protein treatment
    • Reduce heat exposure and avoid chemicals.
    Tamim Hamid

    Tamim Hamid

    Inventor and CEO of Theradome

    Sayyid Tamim Hamid, Ph.D, is the inventor of the world’s first FDA-cleared, wearable phototherapy device to prevent hair loss and thicken and regrow hair. Tamim, a former biomedical engineer at NASA and the inventor of Theradome, brings with him more than 38 years of expertise in product development, laser technology, and biomedical science. Tamim used his laser knowledge, fine-tuned at NASA, and combined it with his driving passion for helping others pursue a lifelong mission in hair loss and restoration. He is now one of the world’s leading experts.