how to prevent hair loss
By Tamim Hamid Last Updated on 09/24/2024

How To Prevent Hair Loss?

Laser hair therapy is well known (and well documented!) for treating hair loss effectively, provided you use a high-quality laser light therapy device. Male pattern baldness and female pattern baldness can be helped by laser hair phototherapy. Light therapy can stimulate hair growth through hair follicle laser penetration. However, did you know that laser light therapy can also prevent hair loss in the first place? Discover how a laser hair therapy helmet might help you avoid the hassles and heartache of hair loss.

Understanding Your Hair Growth Cycle

To know why and how to prevent hair loss, you have to understand the hair growth cycle. A healthy growth cycle consists of three phases: the active phase, called anagen; the transitional phase, called catagen; and the resting phase, called telogen

Hairs in the anagen phase are in the growth phase, so they are actively growing. This phase typically lasts 2 to 6 years. However, genetics, stress levels, and environmental facts can play a role. If you're lucky you'll hit the 6-year mark. And if most of your family has thinning hair, chances are yours is closer to the 2-year mark.

No matter when the transition occurs, your hair then enters the catagen phase. This is far shorter and only lasts 2 to 3 weeks. During this phase, hair follicles lose their blood supply.

Since your blood supplies nutrients essential for hair growth and health, this is the beginning of the end. The hair then enters the telogen phase, also known as the execution phase. It takes about 2 to 3 months for a hair to fully die. Unfortunately, there’s no going (or growing!) back once it reaches this stage. However, just like the circle of life, a new hair follicle forms in its place! Or at least, it should.

When Hair Loss Occurs

That is, unless you’re suffering from hair loss. Normally, only about 10% of your hair should be dying (or should already be dead). Translation: only 10% of your hair should either be in catagen or telogen. The rest of your healthy head should be in full anagen bloom. Signs of baldness begin to show when your hair growth cycle is, to put it in simple terms, not functioning at it should. You may be beginning to use a hand mirror to perform 360° inspections of your scalp in the bathroom. Your hairs may have been kicked out of their anagen comfort zone and may be starting to loiter in catagen and telogen phases.

Want a concrete example of the hair growth cycle? Think of the “comb-over” hairstyle. If you’re losing hair in a particular area, such as the top of your head, then these hairs have a much shorter hair growth cycle than the rest of your scalp. A man sporting a comb-over hairdo has much longer hairs on the sides of his head. This permits him to comb them all the way across his problematic areas– (probably with excessive amounts of gel). This means these hairs enter a longer anagen phase than their less fortunate, top-of-the-scalp compatriots.

Okay– so where does laser hair therapy come in? How does it affect the hair growth cycle?

Using Theradome for Hair Loss Prevention?

Technologically advanced laser hair therapy devices, such as the FDA-cleared Theradome PRO and EVO, do something that no other hair loss/thickening medication or product can do: the Theradome actually tweaks the hair growth cycle to your advantage. When applied to hairs at the start of anagen, the Theradome’s medical grade lasers extend the growth phase to promote hair growth. While hairs at the end of their growth phase enter the transitional catagen phase at an increased speed, in order to accelerate the birth of a new hair follicle. This allows catagen hairs to enter the telogen rest phase at an accelerated pace. This forces telogen hairs to shed faster, allowing a new, healthy hair follicle to form and flourish with an elongated growth phase that reaches the 6-year boundary.

With the Theradome by your side, optimizing your hair growth cycle, you’re ready to affront and prevent hair loss. Whatever is causing your hair to dive into telogen– whether it be a temporary medical condition, shedding season, work-related stress, or what genetically lies ahead, Theradome hair loss prevention is the best thing you can do for your hair.

The Theradome stops hair loss, and promotes new hair growth. It helps to strengthen existing hairs. For those who are wanting to stop their current hair loss, it can produce results in as soon as 4-6 weeks from the start of treatment. First, it will miniaturize hair loss by slowing it down. Second, it will reverse miniaturization by thickening existing hair. Lastly, it renews and promotes new hair growth. The timing of results may be different as individual results may vary. Achieving effective results requires time and patience, but is very rewarding! The best part about the Theradome is that there are zero side effects.

Who is a candidate for the theradome?

A good candidate for Laser Phototherapy is someone who is suffering from Androgenetic Alopecia, a receding hairline, or looking to strengthen their current hair. The Theradome is designed to prevent and effectively treat the earlier stages of hair loss, I-1 to II-2 for women and IIA to V for men. Additionally, it’s ideal for anyone leading a busy life who doesn't have time to visit a clinic twice or a week or would like to save money on clinical strength hair loss prevention treatments.

Ready to kickstart a journey to thicker, fuller hair? Theradome is here to help. Act now and witness the results for yourself. Your hair's potential is just a click away—order your laser helmet today!

Thanks Adam for sharing how you prevented more hair loss and grew new hair!

Tamim Hamid

Tamim Hamid

Inventor and CEO of Theradome

Sayyid Tamim Hamid, Ph.D, is the inventor of the world’s first FDA-cleared, wearable phototherapy device to prevent hair loss and thicken and regrow hair. Tamim, a former biomedical engineer at NASA and the inventor of Theradome, brings with him more than 38 years of expertise in product development, laser technology, and biomedical science. Tamim used his laser knowledge, fine-tuned at NASA, and combined it with his driving passion for helping others pursue a lifelong mission in hair loss and restoration. He is now one of the world’s leading experts.