There’s an old saying - if you look good, you feel good. The body positivity movement has helped so many people feel comfortable in their own skin. But, there hasn’t been much discussion on issues regarding hair and how it can affect a person’s self-confidence and esteem.
People with hair thinning and hair loss issues are likely to have lower self-confidence in both men and women.
Why Hair Loss and Hair Thinning Can Affect Your Overall Well-being?
The look of your hair can have a significant impact on your self-esteem. Multiple research also suggests male pattern hair loss can impact and lower an individual’s self-esteem and confidence. According to the British Psychological Society, 40% of women who have alopecia have had marital problems, and 63% have career-related problems. All of this is because of lowered self-esteem from hair loss.
The reason why hair loss can be so detrimental to a person’s confidence is that it is an indicator of holistic health. According to Grow, healthy-looking hair means that you have enough vitamins and nutrients in your body and operating at its peak condition. Whereas unhealthy, drizzy and dry hair may be a sign that you might need to change your hair care routine and diet in order to promote your overall health and well-being.
Get to know the causes of unhealthy hair and some tips to prevent it.
Why Does Hair Loss Happen?
Everyone loses about 50 - 100 hairs a day normally, but that usually isn’t noticeable.
There are a number of reasons why people experience hair loss - it can either be genetic or because of autoimmune diseases, psoriasis, and dermatitis.
In women, hair loss can occur due to hormonal changes during pregnancy and menopause or as a result of polycystic ovary syndrome. Stress, anxiety, and depression can also be the cause of hair loss in some cases. Radiation and chemotherapy treatments also cause frequent hair loss in cancer patients.
It’s important to talk to a doctor about your symptoms if you’re experiencing severe hair loss and figure out what the underlying cause could be. Also, it’s important to discuss treatment options, as there may be things that you can do to limit hair loss that you don’t know about.
Hair Thinning Vs. Hair Loss
Hair thinning and hair thinning are two terms that are typically used interchangeably, but they have entirely different problems.
Hair loss refers to the state in which your hair begins to shed as it relates to the natural cycle of each hair follicle. Hair loss occurs because of several factors, including stress, medications, hormonal imbalances, or an underlying medical condition that competes with keeping the hair healthy. This usually leads to abnormalities in the hair shaft and eventually leads to androgenetic alopecia.
Hair thinning is a milder form of hair loss whereby the hair shaft starts growing thinner and finder, thus causing a protuberant hair growth cycle. This can happen in both men and women, referred to as Pattern Thinning.
Read More: How to Identify Thick or Thin Hair
Signs You are Experiencing or Developing Abnormal Hair Loss
There are a number of tell-tale signs that you are beginning to experience abnormal hair loss.
Gradual thinning and bald patches
One of the first signs of hair loss is noticing your hair thinning or developing bald patches on your head. This normally starts at the hairline for men and can begin anywhere for women. But everyone is different - it’s important to regularly check your hair and scalp for signs of hair loss that could be treatable so you can act quickly.
Widening middle part
If you are suddenly noticing that your part is widening, this is a big indicator of hair loss.
Can You Prevent Hair Loss?
There are different ways to minimize and treat hair loss depending on the reason - whether it’s genetic, an illness, or due to a controllable circumstance.
Although it’s difficult to prevent genetic hair loss, you can take steps to treat and prevent it. Here are some ways that might work to minimize the risk of preventable hair loss:
- Caring for your hair. Many people don’t take the proper care they need to with their hair. It’s important that you don’t pull a brush through tangles or use the wrong products. Also, make sure that the shampoo, conditioner, and other products like toner you are using on your hair are safe for both your hair and scalp.
- Minimizing sunlight exposure. Actually, UV rays have a strong impact on your scalp and hair. Prolonged exposure to sunlight can also burn your scalp, make your hair dry and prone to split ends and increase the chances of hair loss.
- Lifestyle changes. The way of taking care of your body plays a huge role in the health of your hair. Smoking and frequent use of drugs can increase the risk of hair loss, as well as a number of other serious health issues. Also, it’s important that you eat well and drink plenty of water daily.
What if You Are Already Experiencing Hair Loss or Thinning? Can You Reverse it?
There is good news if you are already experiencing hair loss or thinning. Hair loss is mostly reversible, but only if you catch it early and manage it. That way, you can take precautions on time coupled with proper care and treatment.
For individuals who are already experiencing total baldness or more serious conditions like alopecia, more drastic measures have to be taken, such as hair transplant surgery.
However, if you are just in the beginning stages of hair loss or thinning, then there is still a lot you can do to reverse the effects, whether it’s genetic or another underlying cause.
Find out how you can reverse back the hair loss.
Reduce stress and anxiety
Stress can be a huge factor in hair loss and thinning. It’s important to reduce your stress and anxiety as much as possible to prevent extreme hair loss.
Taking vitamins
Introducing the right supplements into your diet can be a great way to prevent and begin to reverse hair loss and hair thinning. Healthy hair needs iron, folic acid, and zinc to keep growing thick and strong.

At-home laser hair therapy, like Theradome
Laser therapy is primarily used by dermatologists along with other skin specialists. Now the FDA has cleared the way for some laser therapy products to be used at home. At-home laser therapy devices are intended to help regrow your hair while making it thicker.
Get your confidence back with Theradome Laser Hair Growth Treatment
What is Theradome?
Theradome is an award-winning at-home laser therapy cap that is FDA-cleared and recommended by 4 out of 5 hair loss professionals such as Bosley, Hair Club, and other prominent medical clinics from all around the world.
The laser hair growth helmet cap is the modern solution and perfect fusion of science, medicine, and technology that effectively addresses the common problem of hair loss. Theradome is a cordless hair helmet that uses laser technology to stimulate hair growth.
Unlike LED devices, the Theradome laser light targets the stem cells at the base of hair follicles, allowing the formation of a new photonic pathway that can restore hair to a healthy state. Penetrating a hair loss treatment area at the appropriate depth with subsequent energy absorption is crucial for the success of Laser Phototherapy (LPT) hair growth treatment.
How do you use the Theradome helmet?
The theradome helmet is designed for just 20 minutes of use a day. While it is recommended by doctors, it can be purchased over the counter. The helmet is lightweight, cordless, battery-operated and hands-free so that it can be used while you are doing other things around the house like cleaning, watching TV, or reading.
Proven Effectiveness of Theradome
Theradome has been proven to benefit more than 98% of participants who complied with laser hair treatment protocols.
How to get the Theradome
You can purchase the Theradome helmet on our website for as low as $58 a month with an Affirm payment plan. It will ship directly to you, so you don’t have to worry about getting a prescription or picking it up.
Every day you wait is a day you could have been regrowing your hair. Don't delay the transformation with Theradome's laser helmet. Start today and watch your locks flourish!