How Theradome Compares to Other Hair Growth Devices?
By Tamim Hamid

How Theradome Compares to Other Hair Growth Dev...

Hair loss is a common concern affecting individuals of various ages and genders. In recent years, there has been a proliferation of over-the-counter (OTC) consumer laser phototherapy devices (LPT) that...

scalp inflammation hair loss
By Tamim Hamid

All About Scalp Inflammation Hair Loss: Causes ...

Hair loss from scalp inflammation is more common than you think. Many people lose hair due to dandruff, psoriasis, and seborrheic dermatitis. These conditions cause inflammation and irritation on the...

can sunburn on scalp cause hair loss
By Tamim Hamid

How Can Sunburn Cause Hair Loss?: Symptoms & Tr...

Exposing our bodies to sunlight is often associated with a range of health benefits, from boosting vitamin D levels to improving overall mood. However, the effects of sun exposure can...

Hair shadding
By Tamim Hamid

All You Need to Know About Hair Shedding and Wh...

We’ve all been there. One morning, you can’t help but notice the huge clumps of hair in your brush. Or the giant clump left behind in the shower drain.  Panic...

does radiation therapy cause hair loss
By Tamim Hamid

Does Radiation Therapy Make You Lose Hair?: 8 T...

Radiation therapy is a critical component in the battle against cancer, often employed to eliminate and control cancer cells within the body. It can significantly improve outcomes and enhance the...

do laser caps work
By Tamim Hamid

Do Laser Caps Work for Hair Growth?

Are you worried about losing your precious locks? Losing hair is a common concern that affects both men and women. It often causes distress and affects self-esteem. In this quest...

alopecia areata
By Tamim Hamid

Alopecia Areata: Understanding Causes, Treatmen...

Alopecia areata might not ring a bell to everyone. But remember that it is more than just hair loss. The sudden and unpredictable nature of alopecia areata often leaves individuals...

can hair loss be reversed
By Tamim Hamid

Can Hair Loss Be Reversed: Signs & Treatments

Hair loss can be the source of a lot of unwanted stress and frustration since it is almost always difficult to come to terms with such a predicament. Most people...