inspiring hair loss story of emily scher
By Tamim Hamid

Overcoming Hair Loss and Wildfires, An Inspirin...

Inspiring Hair Loss Story of Emily Scher When Emily Scher noticed that her hair was thinning and falling out, she did what so many women do when faced with a...

Laser Helmet Treatments, Theradome - Should Your Hair Be Wet, Damp, Or Dry?
By Tamim Hamid

Laser Helmet Treatments, Theradome - Should You...

Today we’re tackling another common question we’ve been asked a lot: “Should my hair be wet, damp, or dry for my Theradome laser helmet treatments?” The short answer is that...

dark skin hair growth
By Tamim Hamid

Can People with Dark Skin Use the Theradome Las...

Dark Skin Hair Growth - Can We Use Theradome? Are you someone with a darker skin tone who is curious if laser hair therapy can help you restore your hair?...

is chocolate good for hair
By Tamim Hamid

Is Chocolate Good for Hair Growth? 5 Healthy Be...

Have you ever wondered if having a delicious bar of chocolate could help hair growth? Have you ever wondered if having a delicious bar of chocolate could help hair growth?...

Breast Cancer Patients with Hair Loss
By Tamim Hamid

Breast Cancer and Hair Loss - Could Laser Thera...

Breast cancer is the second most common cancer for women in America (behind skin cancer). According to, 1 in 8 women will develop breast cancer. While there are too...

Neurosurgery Hair Loss
By Tamim Hamid

Laser Hair Therapy Improves Outcomes For Hair R...

Thinking about embarking on hair restoration surgery with laser hair therapy? Great. Does your scalp have any shiny blotches, spots, or scars? Regardless of whether there’s only one, glossy, sparkling...

the twelve laser phototherapy ways of christmas
By Tamim Hamid

12 Reasons to Choose Hair Laser Phototherapy wi...

Struggling to find the perfect solution for hair loss? Look no further. Whether it's for yourself or a loved one, Theradome’s Hair Laser Phototherapy (LPT) device offers an unparalleled approach...

make your portraits pop with healthy hair and the theradome pro
By Tamim Hamid

Make Your Portraits Pop With Healthy Hair And T...

Theradome Pro Spring is often a time when families will get new portraits. Whether it’s the lingering light at the end of the day following the time change or the...