protect your hair during ski season
By Tamim Hamid

How to Protect Your Hair During Ski Season

Winter has arrived, and with it comes the thrill of ski season! Whether you’re a seasoned skier or hitting the slopes for the first time with friends, family, or a...

does exercise help hair growth
By Tamim Hamid

Does Exercise Help Hair Growth: What Type of Wo...

Many people desire thick, lustrous hair. But day-to-day stresses and unhealthy lifestyles can negatively impact hair growth and quality. An important question arises - Does regular exercise help hair growth?...

beautiful hair for the holidays
By Tamim Hamid

Beautiful Hair For The Holidays

Thanksgiving is coming up. For most of us, that means cheerfully sitting down at the table to eat turkey with a large group of family members. It’s time to be...

why do you experience hair loss during pregnancy
By Tamim Hamid

6 Causes of Pregnancy Hair Loss and How to Mana...

Many pregnant women enjoy having thick, luxurious hair that looks full of life and shine. It can seem like the "pregnancy glow" extends to getting your best hair days during...

does diabetes cause hair loss?
By Tamim Hamid

Can Diabetes Cause Hair Loss?: How to Identify ...

You all have heard about diabetes, right? It is a disease affecting millions of people worldwide. Diabetes is a chronic health condition that occurs when the body is unable to...

witch's hair
By Tamim Hamid

Get Rid Of Witch’s Hair

Frightened by thin, stringy witch's hair? Halloween is right around the corner and we have the perfect look to celebrate the occasion. Your hair is the ideal accessory for the...

what is a hair follicle anyway
By Tamim Hamid

Healthy Hair Follicles: Hair Follicle Damage an...

Hair follicles are the foundation of healthy hair, yet they often go unnoticed until issues like thinning or hair loss arise. Understanding how these tiny structures function and what can...

hair loss before and after photos
By Tamim Hamid

How To Take Hair Loss Before And After Photos

Beginning your hair restoration journey with Theradome is easy. Twenty minutes, twice a week sessions is all you need to reverse your hair loss. It's completely straight forward, you simply...