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What is the Difference Between Red Light Therapy, Laser Phototherapy and LED's?

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  1. Laser Hair Phototherapy

Laser Hair Phototherapy

Theradome's 680 nm medical grade lasers penetrate deep into the hair follicles in order to regrow and strengthen your hair. Red light therapy LEDs are weak and don't properly penetrate into the hair follicles. LEDs are not lasers. Lasers are monochromatic which means they have a single-color wavelength. LEDs are inexpensive and easy to make. Electronic equipment use LED lights as ON and OFF indicators. Lasers meet scientific standards and achieve results that LEDs could never achieve LED light spreads out and doesn’t have the narrow focus and follicle penetration that lasers do.

Many laser devices, unfortunately, add LEDs mixed with medical grade lasers to be able to claim more overall lights, however, the quality of lasers is more important than the quantity of them.

Find more information on LED vs laser pros and cons for hair loss treatments.

Updated on 26 Dec 2023