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Is there an optimal candidate for Theradome to get the best results?

The Theradome is FDA cleared for those who are at least 18 years old. A good candidate for laser phototherapy (LPT) is for someone who is suffering from hair loss. This could be someone with a receding hairline, or looking to strengthen their current hair. The Theradome is designed to effectively treat the earlier stages of hair loss. On the Norwood and Savin scales, this is I-1 to II-2 for women and IIA to V for men.

Additionally, you are a good candidate for the Theradome if you lead a busy life, don’t have time to visit a clinic twice or week, or would like to save on clinical strength hair loss treatments.

Hamilton-Norwood Scale

Male Hair Loss Classification

Theradome PRO and EVO are FDA cleared to effectively and safely treat hair loss levels IIa, III, IIIa, III vertex, IV, IVa and V.

Ludwig-Savin Scale

Female Hair Loss Classification
Theradome PRO and EVO are FDA cleared to effectively and safely treat hair loss levels I-1, I-2, I-3, I-4, II-1, II-2 and frontal hair loss.

Updated on 23 Dec 2024