We are confident that you will love the benefits of your Theradome helmet. We suggest taking before and after pictures to best capture how the helmet will work for you. Without these pictures, it would be almost impossible to keep track of your progress. The human eye and brain cannot store the subtle yet consistent changes from its regular use.
If you purchased your Theradome helmet through or 1 (855) 549-6757, we provide a 6-Month Money-Back Guarantee minus a 25% service fee when returning the helmet.
To be eligible, you must strictly follow these 4 steps:
If your purchase is covered by the guarantee, we will provide instructions on how to return the helmet to us.
We will inspect the helmet as soon as we have received it back from you. We do not issue refunds for helmets that are damaged by abuse, negligence, misuse or activities other than the intended purpose.
If you are eligible for a refund, we will issue the refund amount to your original payment method, less the return shipping costs, the interest charges if you purchased the Theradome using a financing option (e.g. Affirm), and a service fee which is 25% of the purchase price. You expressly agree to these costs and fees.
We do not issue store credits. We do not offer exchanges, unless you received a product different from what you purchased.
All accessory sales, including batteries and chargers, are final sales, and not eligible for refund.
This guarantee applies to returns from U.S. addresses only. Unfortunately, we are not able to provide a money back guarantee for international purchases. While we want to help as many customers as possible, we are unable to accept international returns due to the varied customs and duty management processes required to manage returns from outside the U.S.
If you purchased your Theradome from Costco or Amazon, their refund policies apply, and so our Six-Month Money Back Guarantee and Refund Policy will not apply.
*In certain instances, Theradome may offer exclusive promotional money-back guarantees that may be different or longer than this 6-Month money back guarantee. These promotions may have very specific rules that require a qualification process in order for a purchase to be covered by the different or longer guarantee.
Updated on 29 Jan 2025